Today is the Feast of Assumption and the Independence Day of India.
Lord, help me to spend more time in prayer on this day. After the flag hoisting ceremony and the celebrations, I will be going to the Mount and spend more time in prayer. The Lord is my everything. I will place all my weaknesses and failures before him and ask him to transform them. My joy is in my prayers. The time that is given to me has to be spent in prayers. When I think of Fr.Thuruthmaly.. and Kazhukachalil.. who were all in constant contact with me in the past months and are no more with me, I realize the transitory nature of time more sharply. In the Gospel that I
read for meditation from Mt 16, Jesus asks us to be watchful so that
we should not ignore our eternal salvation.There is nothing to be
gained if our salvation is in danger. Lord, have mercy on me.
I am at Mt.St.Thomas.Had
lunch with the priests .Said mass in the morning here in the chapel.
In the morning , I was at
Xime for the Independence Day celebrations. They honoured me well by
giving me a special seat. After the ceremony, I left the place for the
Here they are doing all
kinds of preparations for the beginning of the Synod.The MABP said
mass in the morning.
Abp. Sheen on “Sanctiying
the Moment”:
P.208 .
All unhappiness comes
from excessive concentration on the past or from
extreme preoccupation
with the future.
A conscience, burdened
with the guilt of past sins, is fearful of divine judgment. But God
in his mercy has given us two remedies for such unhappiness: one is
the sacrament of penance. Nothing in human experience is as
efficacious in curing the memory and imagination as a confession.
Confession also
heals the imagination, eliminating its anxiety for the future. The second remedy is the sanctification of the moment....we are to
leave the past to divine mercy and trust the future to his loving
Aug.16, Friday
Thank you, Lord, for these
fine reflections of Bp.Sheen.He gives the answer to my searching for
peace and forgiveness. Handing over the past to the mercy of God and
living every moment trusting in the providence of God. We have to live
in love and faith. We don't have to be afraid of anything. Lord, have
mercy on me. Let me feel confident in my heart.
Today, God gives me
another day to spend in prayer and adoration. I will spend my time in
prayer at the Mount. I don't have to be worried about my day being
used for acquiring any knowledge except for deepening my relationship
with the Lord.
I have to prepare myself
for my trip to the US. Only ten days more. The Synod begins on the
"Every moment brings us
more treasures than we can gather.
This moment is my
school, my textbook, my lesson.
The university of the
moment---the one who accepts God's will in all things escapes such
frustration by piercing the disguise of outward events to penetrate
to their real character as messengers of the God he loves.
Merton—Thoughts in
"The psalms are the true garden
of the solitary and the Scriptures are his Paradise.
I have found and have
known, by your great mercy, that the love of a man's heart that is
abandoned and broken and poor is most pleasing to you.
My Father, I know You have
called me to live alone with you and to learn that If I were not a
mere man, a mere human being capable of all mistakes and all
evil, also capable of a frail and errant human affection for you, I
would not be capable of being your son.
Let my trust be in your
mercy, not in myself. Let my hope be in you..."
Aug 17, Saturday
In Mathew 19, Jesus speaks
against divorce and for the need to obey the commandments to attain
eternal salvation. Lord, I have failed in so many ways. Forgive me and
keep me in your company. Nobody can fathom the depths to which one can
go. In spite of great training and education, we are susceptible to
all kinds of moral failures. Lord, protect me and have mercy on me.
Today, I will be going to
Chy for the wedding of Tom Perumpayil's nephew.
From today onwards, I
shall not be looking for occasions of glory or fame.No to such
thoughts. Be happy with what God has given me. That is all. Praise God and bear no grudges.
Aug.18, Sunday
Now is the time to prepare
for the journey. I have to put everything that I wrote daily in a
flash drive. Today I have to go to the Basilica and Muvattupuzha for
the betrothals.
This morning,I was Reading
Mt.19 where Jesus speaks about the need to forgive without any
conditions.He also speaks about the indissolubility of marriage by
affirming that the husband and wife become one body and nobody should
separate them from that union.It is a perfect way for unity and love and
creates on earth an imitation of God's unconditional love for each one
of us.It is into that environment of love that the children are born and
brought up. All ways of forgiveness and compromises should be practiced
in order to preserve that love.
Stephen Covey, a well-known author on management and leadership says that the best leadership in the world is that of a parent. Values, leadership, faith, love, humility, willingness to help, compromise and forgiving are all practiced here.(I have to quote from here in more detail).
Stephen Covey, a well-known author on management and leadership says that the best leadership in the world is that of a parent. Values, leadership, faith, love, humility, willingness to help, compromise and forgiving are all practiced here.(I have to quote from here in more detail).
When I speak about
marriage, I can use the words of the Holy Father: Marriage is a
pilgrimage in faith; three things for marriage: please, forget and
Jesus ' words—A grain
of wheat has to fall and decay in order to give new life. The more you
go down, the more you go up. It is in giving that we gain. Love involves sacrifices. Humility- not a weakness but a sign of strength. You are not
going to be judged on the dollars you have made but on the number of
people you have helped(Harvard Talk---- on humility-- by Christensten)
thank you, Lord for this day. Yesterday, I went for the betrothal at the Basilica and later at Muvattupuzha for Asha's sister. I gave the
homily at the BASILICA FOR DR.FRANCY'S DAUGHTER. I suppose it went OK.
At Muvattupuzha , I was the main celebrant. By the grace of God,
everything went OK. On Saturday,went to Chy for Tom's nephew's wedding
– with Abp.Perumthottam and Abp.Coorillos.
is the beginning of the Synod. The News Channel gives a lot of
importance because of the selection of a bishop for Ekm. There was
shown on TV a lot of people going over to the Mount to give their
in the Gospel of Mt.20, Jesus speaks about the laborers in the
vineyard and how God is paying the workers according to his
generosity. The last and the first are paid the same wages. God's
generosity has no limits. We have to depend on God totally. There is no
need to be worried. The only thing is that we have to respond to God
positively and be willing to follow His will. Lord, thank you for this
I may
go to the Mount this evening. Just to make my presence felt. Will say
the mass there.
I will never allow myself to be worried. I will just focus on you.
I had
a class in the morning and it went Ok.I made them correct some of the
mistakes and asked them to give short speeches.
to the Mount in the afternoon. I met the MABP very briefly. Someone gave me a brief account of the people who came to the Mount with
their protests and rough behavior, yesterday. These are the people who
lost all their sense of values and were totally unChristian.It is a
great tragedy that some of the priests were behind them to get what
they want at any cost.
have mercy on me. Help me to love you deeply and be close to you. You
are the joy of my life. My love for you should overcome the power of my
weaknesses. I cannot combat the power of these forces alone, with my
own resources. I need You to be present actively in my life. I know you
will never abandon me.
In the Gospel
of Mathew, Ch.21.Jesus is making his triumphal entry into Jerusalem and
people shout hosanna and greet him warmly and publicly. He then began
to teach in the Temple. The leaders come asking for his authority to
do so. He responds to them by putting a question to them about the
authority of John the Baptist. Through the parables of the vineyard,
he tells them about the need to accept Him as their Savior. If not, the opportunity of salvation will be offered to others. This is the
moment for me to commit myself to Jesus and accept Him as the Lord of
my life. There is nothing else important in my life except the faith
in Jesus. Jesus and my faith in Jesus are very important. There is
no need for feeling unhappy and depressed. I have to feel joyful and
confident and use the last minute of my life by reading and writing
for Jesus. I am given opportunities again through the various
assignments I still have. I have to use them.
day I will meditate on the words of Jesus and find joy in the
presence of Jesus. Today too, I will go to the Mount and say mass there.
to the Mount.I was a bit late and reached there only aftr 2.30 p.m.and
hence missed seeing the Abp.Met Bp.Joy Alappat and had a cordial talk
with him.
kinds of rumors are flying around with regard to a new appointment for
Ekm. Mr.VO Sebastian came to have a discussion on the Leadership
Programme and he says that he would see to it that more people
would come from Trichur side.
Aug.21, Wednesday
I was
supposed to teach a class but it was canceled as the students had
other programmes. So today will be the last day here and tomorrow,
being the birthday, I will be at home for lunch. I will do the packing
today. I will be going to the Mount at 2p.m and will try to see the MABP, if
possible. Will say mass there.
birthday.I said mass at 11a.m. And after the mass some of the fathers
came to my room to offer their greetings.It was a touching show of
affection and sensitivity. I was very much delighted at their
manifestation of love.
for home by 12.The family came for lunch. Even though we were very few
in number, still the coming together cemented the family unity.
a stole from Mar Louis.
Aug.23, Friday.Went
to the Mount and said the mass. Two meetings were going on there—the
meeting of the Major Superiors and of the Forane Vicars. The Synod is
trying to find a way out of the crisis. More delay means more time for
them to get organized to show their protests. Earlier, people were not
with the rebel group. Now they are getting more people to support
have to spend my life in prayer and thanksgiving.How soon all who are
loved by me have departed from the world--colleagues, priests, and
friends. All those who were in good and loving relationship with me
have left for the eternal abode. God, grant them eternal rest and give
me your love and forgiveness.
to the Mount.Said the mass. I had lunch there. Left immediately after
lunch. Did all the packing.Will say more prayers and spend time
thanking the Lord. Will never show any anxiety or worry.Will totally
depend on God. Lord, thank you for your mercy.
have to feel happy and confident because of my Lord.
Aug.25, Sunday
you, Lord, for this day. Help me to spend this day in prayer. I have to
prepare myself spiritually--trying to be united with God. Today,in
the Gospel, Jesus reminds me to be watchful and be prepared. That is
what I have to do today. Lord, have mercy on me.