Paul Bladde is a journalist and a great fan of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVl.He has published here a collection of his articles written detailing the the activities of the Pope during his eight years of papacy. It is a very interesting book , bringing to our mid all those great years of the papacy and the great events in which the Pope was involved.
Some key phrases and expressions that stand out in his account:
Someone in the crowd at the final homily of Pope Benedict said: troppo puro, troppo innocente, troppo santo."
His legacy: clarification,enlightenment: A radical enlightenment of the Catholic Church about itself .
He is not resigning but rather freely going ahead into the inner sanctum of the Church's prayer.
Pope in his last Angelus: "failures and difficulties must not lead us to discouragement....Our job is to cast the nets in faith.the Lord does the rest."(p.225)
He saw that the time had come.He did what he had to do.His initiatives are countless.He lowered one net after another from the Barque of Peter into the depths of the global sea.The harvest no longer belongs to him. Other personnel must now bring in those nets.(225).