Sunday, December 1, 2019


So many things have happened in the last few days.Francis from Chicago sent a message about his brother's funeral at 11 am on Saturday,Nov.2.Went to Alleppey but the funeral was over by then as they started it at 10 a.m. Saw Francis. He explained that he thought he had informed me.Then , went to Xime and spent a couple of hours there .Also saw off Dr.Mercia who was transferred to Chennai.A couple of days ago , she came to me to speak about her transfer and asked me whether I could engage the rest of her classes in Business Ethics.I agreed to do it as I thought it would be easy.Now , I realize that I have to do a lot of reading and my knowledge of the matter is very limited.
But this is something I wanted to do and I was very eagerly waiting for an occasion to do this.I thought I could do it at S.B.College.But they had  their  own faculty.So I took this as a God-sent opportunity and I decided to do it for the Lord. I will not see it as a burden. Let me see what I can do in this matter.
Tomorrow, I have to begin my classes.Let me see whether I can do some general introduction to ethical decisions from my knowledge of moral laws.I will speak about conscience, Natural Law,Aristotle's discussions on this –Nicomachean Ethics.
Lord, thank you for this opportunity.Help me to teach this topic well.
This evening,Rajan A called me to speak about the problems at the college—created by a teacher in the Dept of Maths. What Can I say? I told him that nobody can destroy the reputation of the college.
Nov. 11,Monday
Last week, I was busy with the classes.I did not have any time as I was reading and preparing notes.A few days more are needed to finish the portions. I was coming early in the morning in the last week for three days.

Saturday,went to Thathampally for Koippally mass. Fr.Mancherikalam was also there.He gave the homily and sang at the mass.I did not have to do anything.
Sunday,I went to Thiruvalla for Tomy (Nelco)'s son's marriage.A lot of priests were there.They said the mass and preached.I did not have to do anything.Two days of long rides.Sitting became  difficult. 
This morning,I had the class on Whistle blowers  and corruption for the A batch.I felt more confident this time.I made the students speak at the end of the class,Three of them spoke.Called them from the back.That was  a good experiment.Thank you Lord for this opportunity.
Today, I had a class for Section B.Took the class on Corruption and whistle blowers.
The class went Ok.It was a small class as a few were absent.
On Saturday, went to Mathaichan's place .
Sunday, I was here at home ,preparing the notes for the classes.At night several calls came .Spoke with KAG and AKV on the college situation.Benny from the Dept of English called to say that he was appointed the Vice-Principal.A good choice.He is mature and balanced, respectful and responsible.Called to thank me for his appointment as well as for being a model principal to them.Thank you Lord for making me do the  corrections without offending the people.
I  feel the absence of A. I still feel that I would hear from her soon and that she has  not passed away.I won't have any one to talk to as I used  to in the past.She was always there to listen to and to give her opinion.I can even make corrections in my life and inform her.
But these classes that I am teaching now keep me busy and take away the memories  of her absence as my mind is busy with class work.
Nov. 19,Tuesday
Since there was no class today, I felt very relaxed and spent time in reading the  newspapers.Tomorrow, there are the presentations and the quiz. Hence I don't have to do the teaching.
Nov 20,Wednesday
The presentations were done today.The quiz was held in Moodle and the students got the questions on their computers exactly at 9.50am and was on until 10.10. That was well organized.
After that, everything went OK and I just used the time to complete the translation of the Missionary circular and the draft of a letter for the inter-Church council.
Thank you ,Lord for the time given and  for keeping me engaged.As  the subject is new, it keeps me engaged through the preparation of notes and the classes.
When  some doors close, Jesus opens others  for me.When I look back, I feel grateful to God for the way in which he has guided me.Others are also  getting blessings when they keep close to God.I know I am not worthy .
Joemon  called me tonight to invite me to his daughter's betrothal at Irinjalakuda. He also wanted to find out whether he could meet the  Major Abp.
Went to say an office for the dead for the wife of Louvain PT Chacko. Met her daughter Seena,then sister in law from Chy—Karimattom. She said I gave her admission and I was her Principal.
Lord, thank you for your blessings.Help me to come closer to you.In the last few days, I was busy with the work of teaching.Reading and preparing notes! But I have to do it properly. For my own good and for the students' knowledge.
Fr.James Parappally passed away.It was from the Cardinal that I got the news first, when I went to meet him yesterday.Today the papers carried the news with a good picture of his. He was a very hard working and  dedicated priest.He would commit himself totally to the work he is engaged in  especially in visiting the sick etc.He would not waste time but would always be actively involved.His walk was always brisk ; so also was his life.I am glad that I got  a chance to meet him at the hospital when he was fully awake.God bless him.
Yesterday,I went to the Collectorate for mustering(life certificate), but the clerks wanted more documents.So I went again this evening with the pension document.He then brought the book for signing.He could have done it yesterday but he was a little obnoxious.Today, the ladies at the Treasury were showing more understanding and they called in somebody to do the work but then he appeared and was willing to do it.He then said it was great that I came back  as they were on the point of withholding my pension.
It is successfully done.Thank you Lord for asking me to go today itself.
Yesterday met Joemon  at the Mount and I told him that I would be coming for his daughter's betrothal the next day.The Cardinal asked him to help with the construction of the museum through a family sponsorship!
Today, I had the morning class but the time was given for the presentations—two.They are not well prepared except for two girls—Madhavy and Divya(?).
Thank you Lord for the blessings.
I watched the hearings on CNN.Although all the  commentators spoke about quid pro quo,there was no evidence of it.A president could ramble on many things in his conversations. You cannot just pick a few words and use them against him as a reason for impeachment.I am surprised at the stupidity of these commentators and news analysts.All the witnesses who were brought forward did not have any solid evidence.
Nov 23.Saturday.
Went to Irinjalakuda for the betrothal. Fr.Poovathumkal, the singing priest  was there.He was very courteous and wanted me to do the betrothal.Surprising  was that the boy's party was Joseph and Elsy from Louisville,Ky.It was when they came for the offertory that I recognized them well.Joel was the groom; he is a dentist now. His younger brother , a doctor! What a surprise!  His brother in law, Johnson Maliekal was also there. I am back here at the Mount.Thought of doing some writing but did not.
God , thank you for your blessings.
Jogy came this morning.He had a comfortable flight by Quatar in business class.I have a class but only presentations.Then, I will say mass there and will go to Edathua for the funeral of Fr.James Parappally. I think I have enough time to go for the funeral.
Went to Edathua for the funeral.Remained for the mass and for the final rites.Met Annamma after the funeral.Had lunch on the way to Edathua at Arya's.
Today will be leaving for Kumarakom for the classmates ' meeting.Now we are only three.There is no place for us to meet  and so will be meeting at Dubai hotel in Kumarakom which is close to Muppara's house.

Went to Kumarakom for the classmates' meeting.Discussed some of the happenings in the Church. Shared some of the happenings at the college..
The meal was very heavy.They placed more orders.I have suggested only two items but they included more..Too much.Preparations were very good. I ate more than I usually I eat. So, abandoned the plan to go to Grand Hyatt in the evening. Could not share any spiritual matters as the group is not amenable to such cool discussions. But I have to be careful about my words.When I am with them, I just let loose my thoughts.
Lord, forgive me for my wanton and uncharitable remarks .
The motherly feelings  of my friend  A and the warm  friendship suffused with love and care were  unforgettable.It is only in the last few years that she became burdened with the pain of her bodily weaknesses.Lord,  give her the joy of heaven.
The day before Thanksgiving in the US.
Today,  I have to go early for the class.Two presentations from the two batches.I have to grade their presentations.Also have to grade their assignments.I will do them today after the class.Will go to the Mount after my work at the XIME.
Lord, thank you  for your love.Help me to follow you.Your words to watch out in Mark 14, will be my watchwords today.I will try to be faithful to you in my words and actions today.
Nov.30 ,Saturday.
Jogy will be leaving tonight for the U.S.His presence here  was a source of great joy.Yesterday,went to the Mount at the request of the Cardinal to prepare a message to be read at the wake of James.He was only in his late sixties. God bless him.He was very kind and courteous.
Today ,went to the Mount and said mass and then returned for lunch at the Grand with Jogy and the family.Just had rice and curry.No special.

Lord , thank you for your love and protection.I know how wretched I am but you have preserved me and protected me.Lord , help me to work for you.I won't pass any negative comments against any one.

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