Monday, March 30, 2020

Thank you-20

Thank you.20
March 22,Sunday
Today is the stay at home day requested by the Prime Minister. All the people in India have to stay indoors today in order to prevent the spread of the  corona virus.Many of the States in India, including Kerala, have asked the people not to make any forays outside their homes. Social distancing is asked for.No more people are allowed to gather  in numbers more than ten.All over America too, similar restrictions are in force.Europe has become the epicenter of the pandemic with Italy and Spain experiencing more deaths daily.Masses are cancelled for the public and people are asked to stay indoors and offer prayers.
This is the time for us to raise our hearts to God to ask him to stop the spread of this deadly disease.Modern medicine and the helps of technology are of no use now.Against this new virus , nothing is helpful.There is an eerie silence all over the world.People are dissuaded from traveling and planes are not allowed to land at International airports.
Today I read from Mathew's(Ch.24) Gospel about Jesus' warning about the end of the world.Those words seem to  be very appropriate for today's world.The key word that is being emphasized is , “Be prepared”.This is  the time for me to spend  time in prayer, asking the Lord for forgiveness not only for my sins but  also for the sins of the world.I have to ask Him to save the world and drive away the pandemic from the face of the earth.
We have to depend on the mercy of God and not to worry about our sins.We should never doubt the forgiveness of the Lord.
The words of Nouwen are very comforting :
 “Our temptation is to be so impressed by our sins and failings and so overwhelmed by our lack of generosity that we get stuck in a paralyzing guilt.It is the guilt that says,' I am too sinful to deserve God's is the guilt that has become an idol and therefore a form of pride.Lent is the time to break  this idol and to direct our attention to our loving Lord.'
A life of faith is a life of gratitude... a truly Eucharistic life means always saying thanks to God, always praising God,and always being surprised by the abundance of God's goodness and love. It is a joyful life.There gratitude is joy and joy is gratitude and everything becomes a surprising sign of God's presence.”
March 24,Tuesday
 Kerala is in a total lock down from midnight. No public transportation, no movement except for emergencies,closing of shops except the pharmacies---is what is happening now.I will not be going anywhere.I have the books .Will read and take notes.Use my time well.This is the time for prayers and getting closer to the Lord.
The world is caught in a big tragedy, unbelievable and irremediable.Nobody has any solution.The impact is felt all  over the world . People are told to confine themselves at home in seclusion.
Lord, have mercy on your people.Stop the spread of the virus.Cure all those who are caught in this disease.Help me to grow closer to you.
Mt 21: 22.  'Whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.'
March 26,Thursday
Yesterday was the first day of the lock down of India as per the order of the Prime Minister that came into force on March 24 midnight.All air transport, rail and bus travel were cancelled and people were told to stay confined to their homes.No non-emergency trips were allowed.All cars and other vehicles are told to be off the road.The hope is that the virus would not spread in the society.We hope and pray that it won't spread.
Trying to spend my time in reading and prayers.The lock down is for 21 days which means that it would go beyond the Easter.We will take it in good spirit and continue to offer prayers for the disappearance of the virus. I have been watching Fr.Dave's on line mass and rosary from the Little Flower Church, Toledo,Ohio.Dave is doing a very good pastoral ministry.I see his total dedication and whole-hearted commitment.Very inspiring. He is available to his people with tenderness  and deep faith.I have to follow his path of dedication.What is important is the deep attachment to Jesus. Nothing else matters much.
Thank you Lord for your blessings.Lord, save your people all over the world.Strike at the root of the pandemic.
 The lock down in India is not perfect as many people in different states come out in public disregarding the warnings from the police.The international press is showing the physical punishments and beatings that are imposed on  people.I am confined to my room but got time to do the Stations of the Cross and to say the Ramsa. I have to be careful with regard to  keeping all the precautions that are to be taken.
March 27,Friday
The third day in the All India lock down.There is no sign of lessening of the contagion.More people are affected.The US is also getting affected faster.They should have prepared themselves a long time  ago by screening airline passengers.Now it is all over the country.
 I don't feel bored since I have the internet,computers, facilities for saying mass, materials for reading etc. I was reading a book on Business Organization from a link sent by Jojo. Taking notes on Leadership extensively described in the book.Today I will focus on Communication  and the basic concepts in OB.

The Gospel for today's meditation was Mt.27, the Crucifixion of Jesus.The passage describes the mockery that Jesus received and the cruelty that he endured.It is this Jesus that I and all the priests are called to imitate.How different are our lives from that of Jesus.We revel in honor,glory , power and comforts.O Lord, forgive me.I am so unworthy of your call.Thank you for the blessings given to me. I am not worthy ,Lord.
 The Cardinal called to let me know that Bhavuk passed away a couple of hours ago.He was very active in the parish and did everything for the parish.Dedicated his time and energy for the community but later out of some misunderstanding, he was kept aloof from the parish by the Pastor.It was a devastating blow in his life.I just spoke to Amal who is a doctor at Lissie and got more details of his sickness.God bless Bhavuk.
March 29,Sunday
Second Sunday in lock down.The majority of the people follow the dictates of the Govt. but some because of one reason or another appear on the roads.The police prevent them from moving.I hope something good will come out of this strict lock down.The virus is spreading fast in the US which is very distressing.People do not pay much attention to all the warnings and they gather together in crowds at different places.The President is releasing a big bail out to corporations and individuals.Each individual tax payer is being given $1200.
March 30,Monday.
One day more for March to be over.We are in the week just before Easter.Next Sunday is the Palm Sunday.All will be celebrating the Day in their homes, alone and not in the fellowship of the community.It is an opportunity for us to revivify our faith and to make a new commitment in the solitude of our lives.It offers us an opportunity to establish a deeper union with the Lord.What is required is a deep prayer from each one for the whole world asking the Lord to protect us in this time of great tribulation and debilitation. Lord, have mercy on us.Save your people all over the world.
I was reading from the Gospel of Mark the cure of the blind man by Jesus.His heart-rending cry flies from the pages of the Gospel: "Lord, have mercy on me."I should also cry like Bartimeus. He represents me in my personal life.As he cried , I should also cry and I am sure Jesus will hear my cry as he heard his.I should feel comforted by this miracle, knowing that Jesus will never forsake me and that he would come to my aid.Thank you Jesus for your love.There is a prayer that I read today from Nouwen that is very touching in his meditation on Monday in the second week of Lent.
 “I wanted Easter to be a day full of light that not even a trace of darkness would be left in my soul.But I know that you do not come to your people with thunder and lightning.Even St. Paul and St .Francis walked through much darkness before they could see your light.Let me be thankful to your gentle way.I know you are at work.I know you will not leave me alone.I know you are quickening me for Easter--but in a way fitting to my own history and my own temperament....Let me die to the desire to choose my own way and select my own cross...Be with me tomorrow and in the days to come and let me experience your gentle presence.”

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