Some authors have proposed in their works a few principles for leadership.Some of these important writers are Stephen Covey, Jordan Peters and Bryan Robinson.
Stephen Covey and Seven Habits of Highly Effective People:
1.Be Proactive 2.Begin with the End in Mind. 3.Put First things First.
4.Think win-Win 5.Seek to understand 6, Synergy(team work,open mindedness, finding new solutions to old problems) 7. Sharpen the Saw.
Dr. Jordan Peters and his 12 Rules
1.Stand up straight with your shoulder bck 2.Treat yourself like somone you are responsible for helping.
3.Make friends with people who want the best for you.4.Compare youself to who you were yesterday, not to someone else who is today.
5.Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them.Be willing to postpone immediate gratificaton in the short 6.Set your house in perfect order befor eyou criticize the world.
7.Pursue what is meaningful(not what is expedient 8.Tell the truth--at least don't lie.
9.Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don't.
10.Be precise in your speech. 11. Do not bother children when they are skateboarding.
12.Pet a cat when you encounter on the street.
Habits of Highly Resilient People-Bryan Robinson of North Carolina University
1.Grow a thick skin and expect rejection and setbacks.Commit yourself in advance to facing the many smack downs you will encounter like all happy people before you.
2.Ditch the desire for comfort and step into growing pains.Be willing to go to the edge of your emotional pain so you can be fully present with what lays beyond the barrier.
3.Be willing to postpone immediate gratification in the short term for the fulfillment of your goals in the long term.
4.Cultivate spring back sustainability .Think of yourself as an elastic band that bends and stretches to a certain point before you spring back higher than you fall.
5.Refer to previous experience.reflect on past obstacles you have overcome in your climb.point to lessons learned and your personal resources and underscore ways you have grown stronger through past hard knocks.
6.Identify self-doubts that have cramped your work style or crippled you from growing fully.harness them--instead of running from them--and channel them into useful skills so they don't paralyze you.
7.Stay off the roller coaster.Manage the ups and downs of life by treating the highs and lows of life equally.celebrate the highs but don't take them any more seriously than the lows and don't 'take smack downs any more seriously than upswings.
8.Eschew the what-the -hell effect.This attitude only adds insult to injury.Face letdowns by towel you want to throw in and use it wipe the sweat off your face then ask, what you can learn that will help you grow.
9.practice positive self-talk and optimism.Avoid negative put-downs and criticism.instead of bludgening yourself after a set back ,give yourself positive affirmations and encouragement to get back in the sadde.
10. Catch yourself when you fall.After a set back or discouraging situation , your motivation bouces abck quicker when you support yourself with compassion .instead of kicking yourself when you are down , be on your own side , wish yourself well, and be your number one cheerleader as your progress in your goals.
How to sustain your resilience;
Once you have these habits in your hip pocket, the rest is up to you.You start to accept failure as an essential stepping stone to success, you give yourself permission to amke the mistakes necessary to get where you want to go.
And every time you fail --instead of giving up--you do what every resilient person befor eyou did: take the towel you want to throw in , wipe the sweat of your brow, and plot your next forward move.
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