June 2nd, Tuesday.
Nothing was done today. The news that Diana got the job made me happy.
Now I am going for prayers .
Today's Gospel was Mt.29-34 where Jesus was requested by the two blind men asking him to have mercy on them.They called him :"Jesus ,Son of David ,have mercy on us.”To His question what they wanted , they replied that their eye-sight should be restored.They were given their eye-sight.This prayer of the blind men should become our daily prayer.We should be asking Jesus to cure us all the time in our lives and to wipe away the guilt of our sins.This cry of the blind and their words would definitely give me peace in my life.My Jesus will restore my spiritual sanity and will forgive my sins.
Lord, have mercy on me. I need the touch of Jesus for my purification.
June 5,Friday
On June 3rd,I went to Giridhar for the tests for the surgery.I had blood test, ECG and Bl.pressure. I forgot to take the medicine for Pressure and hence my pressure was on the borderline. We returned around 4p.m.The insurance did not work and hence I would have to pay the whole and then ask for reimbursement.
I have to take blood test and chest xray. Will go to Jonachan's house after lunch.
Today-June 5—Had breakfast with the fathers. I am getting ready to leave in the evening for Ekm.
I am here at Ekm now. Had supper here.Tomorrow going for blood test and Xray.
June 6th ,Saturday
Went for the blood test and Xray at High Tech,Palarivattom. Had it done fast.Very helpful were people there.Got the results around noon.
On Monday at 8.30 ,I have to reach there for the surgery.No bath on that day.No low aspirin three days before and three days after.I have to take the sugar level and inform them.
I had a nice nap after 2.Took a puff from the inhaler. Had the drops at 4pm. It is raining outside. Thank you Lord for the nice weather, will write more later.
June 7,Sunday:
Said mass here at 10.30 am.Mathaichan, LIssy and Allen came for the mass.It was nice that I could say mass here.Tomorrow .I have to leave early.I have to pray to the Lord for his mercy and ask Him to guide the surgeon.Had a nice nap.Had drops in the eye almost regularly.For a few days, I have to remain without any reading. More than a month ,I spent at the Mount.It was a good time. The priests treated me well.I think this was the first time I spent time at the Mount for such a long period.I could spend my time in prayer in the big chapel.Now, I have to focus on prayer and alms giving in reparation of my sins and failures.
June 16,Tuesday
My surgery was on June 8th.We reached there at 8.30am. Went to the adjacent blding where the operation theatre was.I was given their dress and then led to the theatre.Given injection for anesthesia and then the Doctor came and the surgery was over within 20 minutes.I was then told that everything went OK.Before the surgery,I had to go to the room where the laser treatment was given.I had to look at the 6 point- lights.It was for a few minutes. I was released from there and was led to the operation theatre.By 9.30 am ,I was cleared. I was given the dark glass,medicines etc.Reached Johnachen's house.Johnachan paid Rs.81,000 by his debit card.
5 days were spent at Johnachen's house and Johnachen was very regular in putting drops into my eyes.Yesterday , had an appointment with Dr.Sai and he said I am OK and told me to resume my regular work.Last evening ,I came back to EKM after having lunch at Mathaichan's house.I have to meet them on 29th for another appointment. Sent the documents for reimbursement to the Good health insurance co.
Read Mt.Ch.15, the Canaanite woman's request and Jesus granting her request after her persistent asking.That is what I have to do in my life: to be in constant contact with my Lord and Savior,Jesus Christ.
Today when I went to the Mount ;everyone was happy to welcome me back.The Cardinal was there for lunch and we had a happy time speaking about my experiences. After tiffin, I left for Ekm. Some of the priests expressed the desire that I should stay there as the corona was spiking up.
I am deeply thankful to the Lord for his blessing during this surgery.
I should be happy in my life with Jesus.O,Jesus, be with me and help me to work for you.
Abraham Kurien called tonight to brief me about the development of the X Leadership Institute.I was the one who suggested his name and got him involved.
June 18,Thursday
Today is the first anniversary of Fr.Chiramel's demise. Concelebrated mass with the Cardinal. I miss him a lot as we used to share conversations at our table when we are alone.May the Lord reward him with eternal bliss.
Last evening, I had a call from Prof.Philip.His first call after a long absence!He wanted to invite me to one of the functions in connection with his anniversary.I told him about the betrothal and said I could join at the mass at the Mount. He said he would give a call later when he comes down.
Today I sent a note to SBI manager,Princy Thomas ,with regard to making a FD from my account of the pension.She was prompt in her response.Three accounts which were found to be NRE are , at her request, converted into ordinary deposits.All were deposited for five years and can be cancelled at any time.Quarterly interests.
June 26,Friday
Last night, we had a common meting of the inmates of the house with regard to the arrangements for July 3rd celebration. No large scale celebrations.There will be a lunch with a few invitees.
The morning meditation was on today's Gospel for the mass: the raising of Jairus' daughter from Mark.The words Jesus said to the young girl should be the words I should hear from the Lord everyday: Rise up, Girl.Our Lord is merciful and generous.He grants whatever that is being asked.He does not care for the personal quality or the virtuous acts of the individual.He looks for only a person's faith in Him. Our sins and failures should not detain us from coming closer to him and experiencing his kindness.
July 2,Thursday
On June 29, had an appointment at the hospital.Met Dr.Sai and he said I am all right and that I could use the drops for one more month.Thank you Lord for the success of the surgery.Now my sight is OK.I have new prescriptions for the lens for the right eye.Thank you Lord for being with me during the surgery at this corona time.
There was a call from Mr.John, the father of Ammu to visit their home after the betrothal ceremony. Abraham Kurien called yesterday and I called him back.They have the staff ready now.Ranjana is appointed the Deputy Director. That is not my field.I have to think of using my time for the Lord.
I have made an FD of Rs.50,000 as a tax saver and received the certificate by courier yesterday.
The Cardinal's sister-in-law passed away.I thought of going first but then, thinking of my age, I decided not to go.
I will spend my time reading books.I thank my dear Lord for giving me the grace to think about the surgery and getting it done.Now,I can read well.
July 3,Friday
Today is St.Thomas Day and there will be a solemn rasa here this morning at 10 a.m. I am going for the concelebration.This will be my homage to St.Thomas. I have to write more about the reasonableness of our faith .
Thomas' response to the Risen Jesus summarizes our thoughts about our faith in the Lord.He is our Lord and God.Our attachment should be absolute and there should be no reservation about that total commitment, whatever may be our experiences in life.Jesus will take care of us and he will change all the opposing forces to become sources of our growth.When we look back, we realize how God has guided us through the storms and turbulence of life.Lord, I place myself before you.You are the joy of my life.
July 4, Saturday
Left around 8.30 am for Mathaichan's house for prayer just before Allen's leaving for the betrothal. I reached St.Dominic's by 10.30 am, an hour earlier. Sat in the Sacristy.The ceremony went OK.I then left for their house and said a prayer.After that, I left for the church for lunch. The Vicar was more courteous. Joined the Cardinal for the mass for Prof.Philip.Only 6 people came from XIME since they were told about the need to minimize the number. P.C.Cyriac and a few others came for the mass.I have to work for the Lord.Read and write about my faith—that is what is needed.
July 6,Monday
I am here at Ekm , having returned from the Mount after coffee in the evening. They are all quarantining themselves since a deacon from Faridabad came there a few days ago who contracted the virus.This morning ,the Cardinal called to inform me that I should stay here for a few more days.I was determined to stay here for more than 15 days.My room is also being painted.
I called the Insurance and he says the amount is sanctioned and they would be sending the amount to the Bank. I asked whether the whole amount is sanctioned and he said Yes.We will find out when the message comes.If they have sent the whole amount, then I don't have to approach the other
Lord, thank you for your blessings.To be alive and to have the health to praise the Lord is the most important blessing.
July 8,Wednesday
Today I got my new glasses for my specs—cost Rs.9500. The Oriental insurance offers Rs.24000.Gave the papers to Biju to be taken to Giridhar in order to present them to the Tata Family insurance.
I watched a movie on You tube.Today too, working on the cell phones and wasted my time.Have not done any serious work.Now I have got new glasses and hence I can use my time for reading.Lord, have mercy on me and help me to come closer to you.I have not prayed much as I used to pray at the Mount.
July 9,Thursday
I have begun writing notes for sermons.I will continue to do that.Within the next few days, I will finish up the whole series of liturgical seasons.
Biju went to the Tata Insurance and gave the papers to them.I have to call them later to find out whether they needed any more information.
I am using the two phones now.Will use them.The small phone is more trouble free with the big one getting hot.Lord, increase my love for you.You are the joy of my life.
July 10.Friday
The cardinal called today just to say how they were doing.He would move the meals to the big dining hall. Asked me to return by next Monday.I said I would return after 15 days. Called Fr.Melvettom .Told him that I would pick him up by 10.30am.
I am reading George Wiegel's book, "Letters to a Young Catholic "which is presenting the major aspects of the Christian faith through different Cathedrals,countries and cultures.Interesting is the technique.A travelogue with explanations of the different doctrines and beliefs of the Faith.
July 11,Saturday
The marriage of Allen and Ammu was celebrated today at 11.30 am at the Edappally church.The Vicar came before the beginning of the mass.
Fr.Thomas Melvettom concelebrated.He gave a good sermon although I could not follow it from the altar.But Ammu was seen following it well.Thank God, it is over in spite of all the changes that are taking place on account of the Covid spread.
Read a small chapter of Santimon's book and wrote to him about the beauty of his style.Fr.Antony Thundathil called back and told him to get in touch with the Cardinal.
Thank you,Lord.
July 14,Tuesday
Yesterday, the Cardinal called to tell me that Fr.Antony called.He asked me to prepare a draft for the Inter Church against the conversion of Hagia Sohia into a mosque.Did prepare and made a few revisions according to his suggestion and sent it to him last night.Went to visit Johnachan.Allen developed a problem with his shoulder and was taken to Renai.He has to keep his arm in a sling for 3 weeks.Thank God, it happened after the marriage blessing and the party.Did not do much yesterday.Saw a movie on a black girl given for adoption, searching for her while birth mother and getting united with her black foster mother, white mother who adopted her and her birth mother. Moving movie dealing with race relations and the problems of adoption.
Called Rajan Pottamkulam at the instance of Thommachan's information of Rajan's youngest son joining a Franciscan seminary after his MD. God bless him.
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