Monday, March 22, 2021

Science and the Catholic Church

     It has often been mentioned that the Church is  opposed to science because of the Galileo (1564-1642)trial.

Steven J Harris gives a good account of the contributions of the Church to Science.

The great priest scientists—Gregor Mendel(Modern genetics),Teilhard Chardin ,George Lemaitre(formulated the big bang cosmology) have given immense contribution to the development of scientific research.

Pope Benedict XIV (1740-58)lifted the sanctions against Galileo.

 The book “The Complete Works of Galileo” was given imprimatur.

The Jesuits began to pursue research in practical astronomy—observatories.

Jesuits, Benedictines and Oratorian religious orders operated many observatories.

By 1700 the the Jesuit Order controlled more than one hundred Chairs of Mathematics all over Europe.

Papal patronage of science—through the Vatican Observatory and the Pontifical Academy of sciences

Lemaitre's Big Bang cosmology—a dynamical model of an expanding universe.All of the Universe was confined to a sphere of small volume some 20-60 billion years ago was his conclusion.His was the first rigorously scientific theory of the origin and evolution of the cosmos.

Catholicism and Modern Science

Almost every Pope since Pius XI has affirmed the autonomy of science.

St.Augustine taught that scripture was not to be read as a text book  on nature but as a guidebook for salvation.

John Paul II –affirmed the  independence of   two ways  for arriving at the Truth--  "the methodologies proper to each make it possible to bring out different aspects of reality."

There were long periods of support for science except for some occasional hesitations and disputes about certain branches of science.

·“The complex and historically contingent relationship between Catholicism and science since the Council of Trent  cannot be easily reduced to a single , all-embracing thesis.”

·Galileo Controversy

·Galileo Galilee—(Richard J.Blackwell)(1564-1642)

the Historical background:

For most of his life , he lived in Florence in Pisa where he was born and educated and taught at the local University.

Science at that time was Aristotle's Natural philosophy.

Galileo developed a new and different method.Observation and conducting experiments were his methods.

In 1610, he found  that a Dutch grinder had  produced a lens(Hans Lipperhey).

 He constructed better telescopes which led him to a series of astronomical discoveries—the moon contains craters etc.

Galileo's publication of his observations brought him fame as well as controversy.

The Church exhibited great  caution with respect to any interpretation of the Bible because of the Protestant Reformation.

The Catholic Chruch in 16th c.became very conservative and defensive.

The Council of Trent(1545-63) gave its decision  that no individual could interpret the scriptures contrary to the early fathers or the Pope and the bishops.

In 1543,Copernicus published his Revolutions of Celestial Spheres, locating the sun at the center of the Universe.But Copernicus had no evidence to justify his statement.

Galileo's observations made him approve Copernican statements.

In his Letters on sunspots, , he endorsed copernican theory.By 1623, he was defending Copernican theory.

Biblical Interpretation—How to do it?

Galileo invoked the now famous remark by Cardinal Cesare Baronius(1538-1607) that the Bible tells us how to go to heaven and not  how the heavens go.

Cardinal Robert Bellarmine (1542-1621) acted as the spokesman of the Church.

(p.112)—Condemnation of Copernicanism.

A decree of the Congregation of the Index,March 3,1616—condemned Copernicanism.

The pope asked Bellarmine to meet with Galileo to convey to him the decision on Copernicanism.

(p.113)—For the next 7 years ,Galileo avoided any dealings with the issue of Copernicanism.

In 1623, a friend of his ,Maffeo Barberini(1568-1644) was elected the Pope with the name of Urban Vlll.

He had a series of discussions (6) with the Pope and he was allowed to speak on Copernicanism at an hypothetical level.

 A book –dialogue concerning the two chief world systems was published in 1632.

Pope urban Vlll appointed a special commission .The commission decided that he had exceeded the hypothetical discussion in this book.

Passed a judgement suspecting him of heresy.

On June 22, he was forced to read an oath denouncing his own teachings about Copernicus.

Spent most of his remaining days in house arrest in his villa at Arcetri near Florence.

He continued his writings.Published his book, Discourse on Two new Sciences.




Sunday, March 21, 2021

Good Shepherd

 March 21,Sunday.

The sermon was on the good Shepherd.

Servant leadership and Shepherd Leadership.

Jesus offered a new vision of leadership.

Protecting the people, caring for them , knowing them and dying for them.

We are loved not because of our merits but for what we are.

Jesus offers his life for us.Willing to forgive our sins when we repent and return to him.

We should also be good shepherds to the people with whom we live.

Follow Francis Assisi's words--Not to be understood but to understand. We don't have to depend on any one.Jesus is with us.

Pope Francis conveys this basic Christian message. Not rituals and traditions but real love and caring. Our families and our houses will undergo a great change if we caan offer love and caring.




it was a shock to hear that Prof.S.Abraham  passed away. I was not aware that he was sick for a few weeks .I can never forget his affection , gentleness and kind words. It was always a joy to meet and talk with him.He was one of the old guards, one of the great teachers, who would carry in their person qualities of courtesy and nobility along with their scholarship.

·        One of the great teachers of S.B. A great teacher and a role model. Gentlemanly, courteous, affectionate and caring.

·        A very brilliant teacher who has the knack of making Maths intelligible even to the average.

·        His books on different mathematical subjects –very lucid and helpful.

·        He stands taller as a teacher in the Department, literally and physically.

·        Recognizes his students with affection and caring.

·        His Christian faith was evident in his life—upright, courteous, appreciative, always seeing the good in other people.

·        Even in the last months of his life,  he made it a point to attend the various functions at the college.

·        Never cared for any position of honor or special recognition.

·        The college became richer and nobler on account of his presence.

·        The college community and the thousands of students he taught in the last more than  forty years will definitely miss him.·        

·        A former President of India who was a great scientist and teacher said once: “If the people remember me as a good teacher , that will be the greatest honor for me.”(Abdul Kalam)

·        Prof. S.  Abraham was not only a good teacher but also a role model and an inspiring presence.

·        Offering  condolences and prayers to his beloved wife, Annamma and to son,Dr.Sam and to other members of the family.

·       May God give eternal rest to Prof.S.Abraham. 


   Funeral was held at Thiruvalla on March 20th.  I went to the house in the morning.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The History of the Crusades(From Timeless History of the Church by Steve Weidenkopf, Christendom college)

                                The History  of the Crusades
The crusaders were pilgrims who took a vow before God.They were marked by the wearing of a cloth cross on their garments.Because Mohamed's teachings to organize jihads to extend their community,the Christians in in the Middle East were harassed.
11th c –Egypt came under Caliph Al- Hakins who started persecuting Christians(1021).
The arrival of Seljuk Turks –they consolidated themselves in Bagdad.They destroyed churches in the Holy Land; killed a group of 12999 pilgrims from Germany in the Holy Land.
The imperial army of the Byzantines –defeated by the Turks in 1071.
The new Emperor Alexius I (1081-1118)wanted Western help—sent ambassadors to the pope.
Pope Urban  II(1086-1099)
He inaugurated the crusader movement. The Pope's speech stressed three main themes—the liberation of the Holy city of Jerusalem,the prevention of violent activities of the Turks and an exhortation to Western warriors to take up arms.
The liberation of Jerusalem was more important.The holy city was considered the center of the world. The occupation of Jerusalem  by Moslems was distasteful to Christians.
He gave a graphic description of the persecution of Christians.
Pope Urban offered spiritual incentives—plenary indulgences for warriors. He announced the first crusade on the feast of the Assumption—Aug 15,1096.Pope urban went on a preaching tour of 2000 miles through France.
Why did they go? Their faith.Faith,love of God and  of  the neighbor were the main reasons. Also for glory,adventure but mainly for salvation and to give witness to their love of God.
The first Crusade(1096-1102):

The vast majority came from France.Reached the city of Constantinople—the Byzantines  were shocked to see such a large number of troops from Western Europe.
Emperor Alexius (1081-1118) was reluctant to support the crusaders because their failure would put him in opposition to the Seljuk Turks.
The Emperor gave them transportation after getting their oath of allegiance.
The Crusaders decided to liberate Nicea(the site of two ecumenical councils of 325 &787).The Emperor through an agreement with the Turks got the city under his control.
The Crusaders then left for Jerusalem in 1097.They were attacked on the way.some died of starvation.But they persevered and conquered the attackers.
Reached Antioch –but running short of food stock—they died.Succeeded in conquering Antioch.After months of suffering and attacks,they continued their march to Jerusalem. Now only 12000 from the original army of 60,000.Finally,they entered the city of Jerusalem, conquering the opposing forces inside the city.
Godfrey, one of the warriors ,was selected to be the king—but he took the title ' the defender of the sepulcher' and not king.
Many returned to their homeland.
Second crusade (1147-1149)(out of seven crusades in total)
Moslem ruler of Mosul and Aleppo attacked Edessa, the weakest of the crusader states.killed, raped and plundered 6000 christian men ,women and children.Its fall was a great blow as it guarded the approach to Antioch. Edessa demanded a new response. New soldiers—were asked to save it.
Pope Eugenius 11191145-1153)--Eugenius asked the soldiers of France to take the cross to recover Edessa.
Bernard of Clairvaux(Memorare) (1090-1153)--the great preacher of the period—was asked by the Pope to preach the crusade.The king of the Germans,Conrad lll(1132-1152) and French king ,Louis Vll agreed to go.
The German army –around 30-35000 reached Constantinople .But the Emperor Manuel –afraid that the crusaders  would take his empire-So he entered  into a conspiracy with the Turks .Conrad's army was attacked and depleted.Conrad was wounded.He returned to Constantinople  to recover.
The French army that came later under Louis also experienced the same disastrous end.The combined army then attacked Damascus and forgot about their goal of rescuing Edessa.They failed and returned to Jerusalem.The second crusade was a failure.
Now a unified Islamic attack began to take shape 30 years after under Saladin to push Christians out of the Holy Land.
Saladin came to power in Egypt in 1187 –He tried to recapture the holy city.The king of Jerusalem at that time was Baldwin who contracted leprosy.He  died while 24 years old.His sister ,Sybella, was crowned the  queen.
Saladin defeated the army  and later captured Jerusalem.Most of the churches were turned into mosques.
After the triumph of the first crusade, the Holy City remained in Christian hands only for 88years.They also lost the relic of the cross to Saladin's forces.
All this grieved Pope Urban 111(1185-1187).His successor  was Gregory Vlll (1187).
Three monarchs—Frederic Barbarossa, the Holy Roman Emperor, Philip 1 the augustus of France, and Richard 1, the lion- hearted of England.
Saladin was outmaneuvered by Richard.Richard entered  into a three year truce with Saladin—known as the treaty of Jaffa—which allowed the Moslem control of Jerusalem,permitting Christian access to the Holy City.
Pope Innocent( 1198-1216),becoming Pope at the age of 37—the first Pope with a university degree from Bbologna. Innocent called a new crusade on August 15,1198 to liberate Jerusalem.but it was a politically unsuitable time as there was a dispute  for the crown of the Holy Roman Empire in Germany.
The Crusade leaders got into all kinds of problems  to get money for the trip.
First they attacked the Christian city of Zara to pay off their debt to Venice who supplied them with vessels.Then, they joined sides with a rebel prince from the Byzantine empire  to restore him to the throne for the promise that he would help them.All this was  against the prohibition from Pope Innocent.The Crusaders attacked Constantinople  and after great disasters and burnings succeeded in restoring the former emperor ,the father of the rebel prince to power.The rebel prince was appointed co-emperor ,Alexius lV.He could not pay the money he promised.He sold sacred icons, ornaments etc.People got angry with him.They forced the senate and the clergy in 1204 to elect a new emperor.But Alexius IV sought the help of a friend of his—he later made a coup and arrested the emperor and made himself Alexius V  Killed Alexius IV.The crusaders got angry for not getting the money promised to them.The crusaders entered the city and sacked it.Alexius V fled.(p.249)The sack of consntinople—people killed, Byzantine women, including nuns were raped—bronze statues were melted down,Innocent III got the news---was shocked and angry.
The fifth crusade(1218-1221)A decade after the 4th.Again initiated by innocent lll—He was preaching the fifth and more kings decided to participate in it—passed away suddenly in 1216 at the age of 55.The crusade effort continued under two cardinals—one died and the other Pelagius was in control.
They arrived in Egypt,laid siege.The king of Egypt offered a compromise solution of freeing the Holy city for the removal of the siege but the Cardinal refused.(p.252)
It was during this time that St.Francis came to their midst.Cardinal Pelagius dissuaded him from meeting the Caliph of Egypt.But he insisted on going.Taken a prisoner and brought before the Caliph.The  Caliph told him that he would not convert.
Another city was conquered by the Crusaders.The Caliph again offered a diplomatic solution.But the Cardinal refused.But later the Cardinal went for a diplomatic solution and left Egypt for an eight year no war truce.
The Sixth Crusade(1228-1229)
Frederick ll—the German emperor studied in Sicily and was very much influenced by Islam.He knew Arabic and after his second wife's death , he instituted a harem.
The new Pope Gregory lX(1227-1241)--Gregory excommunicated him when he withdrew from the Crusade because of his sickness.But later he went to Jerusalem and had a diplomatic negotiation with the Caliph. Got control over Jerusalem by a truce for 8 years.
p.256--Emperor Frederick's truce with Kamil expired in 1239.Several years later an Egyptian Moslem army conquered Jerusalem.
p.256—The saintly king of France—King Louis lX(1226-1270)He too failed in his Crusade although he went and lived in Jerusalem.
p.260-A new ruler of Egypt.Wanted to rid the Holy Land of Christians.He destroyed Christian cities.Christians sent appeals to Europe.Antioch was captured and Christians were killed.the Moslem leader was Baybar

Monday, March 8, 2021

The Crusades and the Modern World by Prof.Steve.


The crusading movement was launched by the papacy.As western Europe moved toward the modern world,secular rulers became more independent and focused more on internal politics.


Myths about the crusades began in the 16th c. Protestant revolutionaries saw the crusades as opportunities for the Church to increase its wealth.This myth continued up to the modern times.


Now, Arab nationalists and Islamic terrorists use the crusades as propaganda to produce recruits for jihad against the west. Western intellectuals use it to attack the Church.


The holy city of Jerusalem was in Christian hands for 88 years only(from 1099-11870) and the crusader states survived for less than two centuries.

Arab nationalists used the crusades as a scapegoat for the ills in the 20th c Islamic world.


the false narrative of the crusades, created by europeans and furthered by arab nationlists ,changed in  the 1970s. ...usedby jihadis who turned their hatred and violence away from secular regimes and toward the west.


Catholics must first learn for themselves the authentic story of th emovement  that was an integral part of the Chruch's history for six centureis.too many see the Crusades as an aberration in chruch history.For many Catholics , "the wars of the cross  have become like a lingering bad smaell in a lavishly refurbished stately home."


Wednesday, March 3, 2021

The Glory of the Crusades by Steve Weidenkopf

 Steven Weidenkopf has done a beautiful job  in this book by bringing out the truth about the Crusades.The term "Crusades"  was used often to disparage the role of the Church in the history of the world. Protestant historians imbued with great hostility and antipathy towards the Catholic Church  pictured the Crusades as the dirty work of the Church and produced a very slanted and  biased version of history.The Islamic writers who were radicalized by fundamentalism  attributed their downfall in world civilization to the Crusades.  Steve has brought out very brilliantly that it was the  military arrogance of Mogul and Turkish warlords who murdered and annihilated thousands of Christians and occupied the sacred sites of Christianity that was responsible for the ostracism of Islamic countries.The Mogul warlords were mad with hatred and they wanted to wipe out Christianity. If it were not for the Crusades and for the leadership given by the popes as well as by  very dutiful kings of the various European  countries , Europe would have been decimated and in the place of a Christian civilization that respects human rights and compassion , a brutal religious system would have spread all over Europe.

Some of the important statements made by Steve in this book are cited here in order to show the importance of the resistance put out by the leaders of the countries in Europe to save it from  total enslavement that would have happened to it.

The rise of the Ottoman empire in the 15th c:


A man called the 'Blood drinker " became  the sultan of the Ottoman Empire in 1451 at the age of 19: Mehmet ll . He embarked on a policy of victory over the Byz.empire. Emperor Constantine tried for a truce. But his emissaries were killed by Mehmet.With the help of a Hungarian engineer , he built a big cannon to destroy the fortress of  Constantinople. After a long siege, they got into the city.The sultan had triumphed.

"A Constantine, son of Helena , had built this city more than 1000 years ago ; another Constantine , son of another Helena , had now lost it forever."

" A large groups of citizens ran into Hagia Sophia , the 6th C.Church built by Justinian the Great and the largest Church in Christendom. Mehmet rode straight for Hagia Sophia  , entered and declared it a mosque. "

It remained a mosque until 1935 and then a museum and now again a mosque.

4000 Christians were killed in the sack and 50,000 seized  of which 30,000 became slaves.


Five years after the loss of Constantinople  saw the election of a new Pope who would play a central role in shaping the character of crusading against Ottoman Turks: Pius ll whose goal was the liberation of Constantinople. 

The attempt to capture Malta and to create an entry point to Europe by Suleiman in the 16th c.

Knights Hospitallers  used malta as their base and they protected Europe.Jean de la Valette was elected the Master General in 1557.He was one of the greatest warriors of Chrsitian history."His singular vision in 1565 was the defense of Malta.the Spanish troops came to help Valette.malta was saved from the army of the ottomans.

Pope Pius lV offered La Valette the cardinal's aht for his defense of Malta, but he refused the offr.

Pius V  was elected pope in 1566.he persuades the Christain kings to form an alliance against the Ottomans.

the Battle of Lepanto was a decisive war where the Chrsitian forces defeated the ottoman forces.

P.224.Oct 7,1571, the cross and the crescent literally clashed for control of the center of the world. chrsitian soldiers were asked by Don Juan who lead them to say rosareis for their protection.

In memory of the victory at lepanto which saved Rome and Europe, pius V established the the Feast of Our lady of Victory which was changed by his successor Gregory Xlll as the Feast of the Our Lady of the rosary.

the ottomans were moving against Vienna.the polish king came to their help and the Ottomans were defeated.(1683 AD)

From that time onwards, the [power of the Ottoman empire began to weaken and they was  finally disbabded in 1918 by the Allied Forces.