Saturday, December 30, 2023


 I offer my prayers for the repose of the soul of Prof.V.S. Joseph. He passed away a couple of days ago and his funeral will take place, tomorrow, Sunday, Dec.31. He was a gentle and respectful teacher who was totally committed to the teaching profession. I was his student in the Postgraduate course. What brought us closer was when we were designated to participate in the Seminar under the auspices of the American Consulate in Trivandrum. It was my first year as a teacher, just a few months after joining the Dept. We came closer through our interactions and presence at the Seminar. I read a paper on "The Moral Vision of D.H. Lawrence."In fact, that paper served as one of my documents for my applications to the Graduate Depts of many US Universities. It was the participation in the Seminar that prompted me to go to the US for my doctoral studies. Many of the teachers who participated in the seminar soon got their Ph. Ds in English Literature. After my return from the US, I worked in the Depat along with Prof. V.S. Joseph. We came to know more about Prof.V.S. from the humorous remarks of Prof.KA George.

Prof.V.S. also worked in a Christian ministry as an evangelist. He was never at rest, always moving around as a preacher or as a teacher. He suffered physically and emotionally in his life. May God grant him eternal rest. He was a teacher, soft and gentle like the morning dew, and was held in great esteem by the students. I won't be able to attend his funeral but I offer my prayers for him .May the angels carry him forward to our Father in heaven amid heavenly glory and joy.

Friday, December 29, 2023

Resignation of Cardinal Mar George Alencherry

  I am writing this after Christmas.

What was very sad and depressing was the acceptance by the Vatican of the resignation of Cardinal Mar George Alencherry from his role as the Head of the Syro-Malabar Church.  It was an unfortunate and heart-breaking piece of news for all those who worked with him and saw his sincerity, self-denying commitment, and simplicity. The opposition against him was vehement as to destroy any weak-hearted man. Still, he withstood all of them because of his great sincerity, humble spirituality, and open-hearted approach to all. It can be truly said he holds no grudge against anyone even against those who opposed him tooth and nail. Some misguided and ill-educated people were prompted to destroy his influence and diminish his role as the Head of the Church. Of course, some have misunderstood the significance of the steps he has taken but they never realized they were done for the Church. Starting a Medical college for the Archdiocese or the updating of the liturgy are noble steps. There could be mistakes in any steps we undertake in life. We correct our mistakes and go forward. But nobody would destroy a person and blow him to smithereens as the disgruntled individuals have done. Even those who have collaborated with him in all successful ventures have not come out to speak for him boldly and confidently. A few columnists in the media had the run of the day because nobody was opposing them. A very confident, forward-moving Church with a large number of people having liberal and progressive Western-educated values has stood empty-handed seeing the display of arrogance on the part of a few media persons or laypeople who were not involved in the progress or development of the Church. The educated and the progressive members of the Church stood watching in dismay at the arrogant and disparaging behavior of a few hoodlums.

The priests who got engaged in public protests, burning the effigies of bishops, calling slanderous invectives against the bishops, offering satyagraha, or staging protests at the Bishop's house are the dregs of the society and have not been affected by any civilized values. They might have gotten some training in theological or philosophical matters but they were not like our gentlemen coming out of the universities.  Of course, some who come out from our present-day colleges and universities are miscreants and political workers and they were paid and supported by political parties. Hundreds and thousands of priests have worked and are working silently in all parts of the State with great vision, values,  respect, and dignity. They foster inter-religious harmony and make prosperous conditions for the people, Catholics, and non-Catholics alike to live decently and peaceably. They were all put to shame by these few who were endowed with the sacraments of priesthood. Their cassocks brought shame to the whole clergy of Kerala. This great robust Church has no lay or clerical leaders or media outlets to stand up for the Church and uphold its moral and religious dignity. Half-baked journalists in some reputed newspapers played havoc with the future and destiny of the Church. They are some rotten apples among the journalists but they hold the day now. But the hard workers are in the field, building up communities, forming the youth in schools and colleges, caring for the orphans and the physically and mentally disabled. Their voice will soon be echoed in the corridors of history thunderously condemning the blatant and blasphemous injury that has been committed against the Church for the benefit of position, glory, and material gains. But there will be no dent in the fortress of the Syro-Malabar Church that has built up the development of Kerala physically and spiritually.

That is what happened in December.

Christmas celebration at the Mount was beautiful but the ceremony was long. After Dec.25, I had a few functions to attend as a memorial mass on the 26 at Thathampally, and an anniversary mass on the 27 at Kumarakom, an anniversary mass and a betrothal at Alleppey on the 28th etc.

One miraculous thing is that Vinod and his family were saved by the grace of God from a car accident in Dallas, Texas, on the day of Christmas.

Laus tibi Deo.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Department of English,S.B.College, Old Teachers Never Fade Away


The Department of English at St. Berchmans’ College has always been held in high regard among academic institutions in Kerala thanks to its dedicated teachers who had a profound love for English Literature. This illustrious group included Prof. O'Brien, Prof. M.P. Paul, and Prof. C.A. Sheppard. When Prof. Sheppard took the reins of the Department, its prestige began to shine with unparalleled brilliance.

Prof. C.A. Sheppard's presence not only energized the Department of English, but also the entire college. His name was synonymous with St. Berchmans’ College in any discussion. The years he spent at the college were its golden age. He instilled in both students and the faculty a passion for excellence, self-reliance, and industriousness. His classes were not mere lectures on poetry, prose, or drama, but comprehensive studies of English language phrases and idioms. Students vied for spots near the podium to capture every word he spoke. Passages from the Bible and soliloquies from Shakespeare flowed from him like a powerful stream. One could liken the sentiments of students from that time to Wordsworth's description of the French Revolution in the Prelude: "Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive."

I recall his classes on Bernard Shaw’s "Arms and the Man" vividly as I was one of his undergraduate students. His teachings extended beyond the text to a deep exploration of Shaw’s entire body of work. What stood out was his beautiful introduction to the works of Bernard Shaw. He meticulously explained new words and phrases, delving into their meanings and nuances. Sitting in his class was an immersion in the evolution of the English language and literature. When he was invited to inaugurate the Literary Association of the Minor Seminary at Parel, he spoke about the poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins who was relatively unknown to the general public at the time. Prof. C.A. Sheppard exuded sophistication, confidence, and eloquence, presenting the image of a truly exceptional teacher. It was often said by students that they could see the light in his room even in the early hours of the morning, reading and typing. With his departure, both students and the staff lost a mentor, a guide, and a wellspring of inspiration.

However, the Department endured, maintaining its glory and renown with a new roster of exceptional teachers such as Prof. V.J. Augustine, Prof. A.E. Augustine, Prof. K.J. Francis, Prof. K.T. Sebastian, Prof. T.P. Madhavan Pilla, Prof. K.V. Joseph, Prof. K.K. Mathew, and Prof. P.C. James. Under the leadership of Prof. V.J. Augustine, the Postgraduate Department was established, propelling the Department to new heights of success, with many students being placed in top ranks in University exams. The discipline that he instilled and the seminar and discussion- methods he introduced helped students excel in interviews and oral exams.

Prof. A.E. Augustine, a close associate of Prof. C.A. Sheppard, electrified not only the classrooms but the entire college with his mastery of the English language. His compelling eloquence made every conference or meeting a memorable occasion. Prof. K.J. Francis, with his majestic demeanour, left a lasting impression with his lectures. There was an air of grandeur about him.

Prof. K.T. Sebastian was an exemplary teacher, both in appearance and speech. He breathed life into Milton's works, delving deep into the poetic brilliance of "Paradise Lost" and drawing connections to the modern world. Prof.  P.J. Devasia deftly navigated the complexities of modern English literature, using his exceptional memory to highlight the beauty of the poetry of Hopkins and Eliot.

Prof. T.P. Madhavan Pilla embodied nobility and dignity. I remember jotting down a note in my composition book, commenting on his insights. He graciously responded on the back of my note, attached to the composition book. Pleasant, gentle, and dignified, he carried the Department's flag high. Another stalwart was Prof. K.V. Joseph, who had a remarkable ability to bring vividly to life all the characters from Chaucer’s "Canterbury Tales". Despite being a skilled stylist and grammarian, he remained humble and approachable, both to his colleagues and to his students. The youngest faculty member at the time was Prof. P.C. James, a bundle of energy and humour. He brought the vibrancy of American Literature to his classrooms, always inspiring, fresh, and innovative. His presence lit up the department, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

Spending time with these great teachers endowed with real scholarship and high rectitude was a pleasant experience which will never fade away from my memory. They enabled me to work in tandem with professors of English from foreign universities. Their laughter, their encouragement and inspiring words remain always fresh and memorable in my mind.

“Footfalls echo in the memory

Down the passage which we did not take

Towards the door, we never opened

Into the rose garden.”

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Eighty Third Birthday Celebrations

 Yesterday was the celebration of my 83rd birthday. It started with my morning mass at the chapel .The main celebrant was Abp.Pamplany. At the breakfast, the Major Archbishop,Cardinal Mar George Alencherry, offered me greetings and all the bishops sang happy birthday as they were then seated for their breakfast. Later , the family gathered at my brother Bernard's house for lunch.Before lunch, we said a rosary for  all the members of the family, past and present. I did give all the ladies silver rosaries which were made specially for this event.That was the end of the celebration. The day before, at Varghese's new house blessing at Chy, they also offered me greetings for the birthday,

The Lord has blessed me to celebrate this day. I do consider these months an opportunity given by God to praise him , adore him and to offer prayers for all our friends and relatives.My heart is full of thanks to the Lord for giving me this occasion to praise and adore him again.

I would like to repeat the prayer of Thomas Merton again in this note: "My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me.I cannot know for certain where it will end.Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think I am knowing your will does not mean that I am actually doing so.But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you.....I will trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death.I will not fear , for you are ever with me and you will never leave me to face my perils alone."

My heart is like a singing bird
Whose nest is in a water’d shoot;
My heart is like an apple-tree
Whose boughs are bent with thickset fruit;
My heart is like a rainbow shell
That paddles in a halcyon sea;
My heart is gladder than all these
Because the Lord is with me.( Adaptation of a poem of Christina Rossetti)

The following words of Henri Nouwen too are apt to be remembered on this occasion:

"We are God's beloved daughters and sons, not because we are worthy but because God freely chose us."

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Prof.John Philip

 It was with real shock and great sorrow that I received the news of the passing away of Sri John Philip.It was Prof.Sunny Mathews who informed me from the US about the demise of John Philip. He was our classmate in MA class at For the two years of our course  , he was a constant companion.Everyday before the beginning of the class , he would come to my room and we would walk together to the class room. We discussed all the topics and shared them with our friends. He was very respectful and caring.  He had a positive  attitude and was always cheerful.Even though after we left the college, we have not met each other but knew in my mind and heart that he was doing well and was successful as a teacher at Bishop More college.We had a chance to meet at the celebration of the  50th anniversary of the PG Department. We had a picture taken after the meeting . I was very happy to see him at the meeting. He looked the same with no changes. He briefed me about the developments in his life. I never got a chance to visit him at his house nor to see his family. His face and smile are before me and I wish him eternal rest with the Lord.  I am sure  he is resting peacefully with  the Lord. he was a good Christian with great moral principles. May the Lord protect  and bless him in the eternal abode where there is no weeping or sorrow. What Tennyson said in In Memoriam about his friend, Hallam,  is very appropriate here: "It is better to have loved and lost than never to  have loved at all."

Do not stand at my grave and weep 
I am not there. I do not sleep. 
I am a thousand winds that blow. 
I am the diamond glints on snow. 
I am the sunlight on ripened grain. 
I am the gentle autumn rain. 
When you awaken in the morning’s hush 
I am the swift uplifting rush 
Of quiet birds in circled flight. 
I am the soft stars that shine at night. 
Do not stand at my grave and cry; (Elizabeth Frye)

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Return from the US

 I returned to India on June 20th after a stay of a month and a half in the US. It was for the wedding of Ittyrachans' daughter ,Melissa and for the First Communions of Jonathan, Michael and Isabel that I left for the States.While there, I did participate in the baptism of Theres's child at St.Philomena's church. I was asked to give a talk to the Men's Club at St.Philomena's church. The talk went OK , with more than 30 people participating.The pastor was waiting at the door to receive me and he was present throughout the talk. It was a cold and rainy morning but it went OK without affecting my voice or the tone of the  presentation.I was also successful in renewing my passport while staying in NJ.Had to go to NY for an expedited issue of passport. Jogy prepared the application and I had go to the passport office with all the necessary documents. Jogy waited there until my return after an hour with the submission of the documents to the Office. The passport was ready the next day evening. I got it at 4p.m.If I had not renewed it, I would have to go through a heck of troubles to get it before the expiry.

Some sad events happened in the month of June with the passing away of my first cousin, Vakachan(M.P.Varghese).I was thinking of giving a call to him but within a few days after my return I got the news that he had passed away suddenly by a heart-attack. He was very gentle and kind,  religious and well versed in the knowledge of the Bible. He was leading a quiet life after his retirement from the Union Bank of India.The passing of the Former Chief Minister, Sri Oommen Chandy was another sad moment as Kerala witnessed an unprecedented outpouring of love and grief at his demise.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Trip to New York,June 8th

 For the last few says I was suffering from severe coughing and cold. Today, Santosh sent an antibiotic to be collected from the CVS.Jogy brought the medication in the morning.I feel immensely better.I hope I will get over it tomorrow as we go to  the Passport Office for an expedite issue of the passport.Today ,I got the new driver's license.By the grace of God,I feel better and the coughing is becoming lighter.All my official functions will be over by my trip to NY for the passport. The Lord has been good to me. I was blessed to make this trip and do the marriage blessing of Melissa, the daughter of Ittyrachan.It has been a long while since I did the blessing in the US.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

My trip to the States

 On May 3rd, I left for the States by Emirates .My flight reached NY airport by 3pm on the sane day.The flight was OK but only things that there was no facility for lounges on this ticket although it was business class.As the flights had only a short lay over, there was no need of any lounge facility.At Kochi airport, on account of the Essaf card, I could use the lounge facility.As Jogy  was waiting at the NY airport, my arrival was smooth.I rested for a few days and then left with Jogy for Santosh's house for the First Communion of Jonathan.Everything went smoothly and I was able to concelebrate at the First Communion mass and give first communion to Jonathan.

The original plan was to leave Clarksville  for Seattle along with Johnachan.But the news came that Michael had contracted Covid from his teacher and my flight to Seattle was postponed.Since I have to be be present at the marriage of Melissa, I decided to change my plan to go to Seattle. So I missed Isabel and Michael's First Communion and also spending a few days with them at their new house. It was a real miss! Then , I returned with Jogy and decided to spend the time with him.

I was invited for the baptism of Theres's child Iris and for the reception.I was also invited by the Men's ministry of St.Philomena's church on Saturday morning. Even though it  was slightly drizzling ands chilly ,the Pastor was waiting in front of the Hall to receive me. The talk went very well and the people were very appreciative.

The next day I was supposed to go to Somerset Church and give also a talk to the CCD teachers.But Tom's wife,Lena ,got sick and he could not  give me the ride and hence the program  WAS cancelled.

Today ,May 24th, we went to the DMV office for the renewal of my license.It went very smoothly.The documents were accepted and I was given a copy of the license at the payment of 11 dollars.The new license will be mailed to me within 20 days.Tomorrow,I am going to the DC for the blessing of the marriage. I will stay in DC for three or four days and will return to NJ.Thank you,Lord, for your blessings all these days. Today I wrote a letter to all the alumni asking them to be civil and without rancor at their meeting tomorrow. I am sure they will observe the spirit of the letter.

Monday, April 17, 2023

C.S.Lewis--Mere Christianity

  This is a very good book where many of the Christian doctrines, virtues and Christian morality are explained in an understandable way .No high- flown or pedantic language. In very simple words, Christianity is presented.Many have accepted Christianity by reading this work of C.S.Lewis.He is a great apologist of the Christian faith.His full name: Clive Staples Lewis(1898-1963).A fellow and tutor in English Lit. at Oxford Uty until 1954. Then,  he was  elected  the Chair of of Medieval and Renaissance English at Cambridge Uty.Wrote more than 39 books. Mere Christianity is  a reworked collection of a series of lectures he gave over the BBC to  inspire the faith of the soldiers in the Second World War.Kathleen Norris says : "Lewis seeks in Mere Christianity to help us see religion with fresh eyes as a radical faith."


We have to remember how He loves us.Not for any nice , attractive qualities we think we have, but just because we are the things called selves.For really there is nothing in us to love: creatures like us who actually find hatred such a pleasure that  to give it up is like giving up beer or tobacco...

Sexual Morality:

While the rule of chastity is the same for all Christians, the rule of propriety changes. The difference in the dress of a girl in the pacific islands and of a Victorian lady.

Perfect chasity  like perfect charity will not be attained by any merely human efforts.You must ask for God's help...After each failure, ask forgivenss,pick yourself up, and try again.Very often what God first helps us towards is not the virtue itself but just this power of always trying again....It cures our illusions about ourselves and teaches us to depend on God...We need not despair in our worst for our failures are forgiven.

The sins of the flesh are bad, but they are the least bad of all sins.All the worst pleasure are purely  spiritual

There two things inside me ,competing with the human self which I must try to become.The Animal self and the diabolical self.the diabolical self is the worst of the two.That is why a cold, self-righteous prig who goes regularly to church may be far nearer to hell than a prostitute.

Friday, April 14, 2023

Holy Thursday,2023

  •                             Jesus washing the feet of the Apostles and instituting the Eucharist.
  • Bread was always in the thoughts of Jesus--physical as well as spiritual.
  • He did not want his people to go hungry 
  • Multiplied bread twice to feed the crowd of 5000 fist and that of 7000, later.
  • On the last night of his life, he made the bread to become the food not not for just a group of people but for all his believers;not for a day but for all the days in their lives.
  • Not for the  satiation of their  physical needs but for all their needs.
  • Offering not bread that has a limited life but his own life and blood that has no time limits.
  • Jesus becoming wholly and totally a part of our lives.
  • This  transformation is powerful and overwhelming---Jesus becoming present in our lives, everyday of our lives.
  • Our reflections:
  • My Jesus, You are everything that my life craves for.I find joy in your presence.Your presence will make me more available to others and help me to wash their feet. Lord , wash my feet and fill me with your life.
  • Henri Nouwen: "Lord, I promise I will not run away , not give up, not stop praying, even when all seems useless,pointless and a waste of time and effort.I want to let you know that I love You even though I do not feel loved by you and that I hope in you even though I often experience despair.Let this be a little dying I can do with You.
  •  Fulton J.Sheen: "All my sermons are prepared in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. As recreation is most pleasant and profitable in the sun, so homiletic creativity is best nourished before the Eucharist. The most brilliant ideas come from meeting God face to face. The Holy Spirit that presided at the Incarnation is the best atmosphere for illumination. Pope John Paul II keeps a small desk or writing pad near him whenever he is in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament; and I have done this all my life - I am sure for the same reason he does, because a lover always works better when the beloved is with him."
  •  St.John Chrysostom: "How many of you say: I should like to see His face, His garments, His shoes. You do see Him, you touch Him, you eat Him. He gives Himself to you, not only that you may see Him, but also to be your food and nourishment"

  • St Thomas Aquinas: “The Eucharist is the sacrament of love: it signifies love, it produces love. The Eucharist is the consummation of the whole spiritual life.”

    St Euphrasia: “To speak of the Blessed Sacrament is to speak of what is most sacred. How often, when we are in a state of distress, those to whom we look for help leave us; or what is worse, add to our affliction by heaping fresh troubles upon us. He is ever there, waiting to help us.”

  • t Francis de Sales: “When the bee has gathered the dew of heaven and the earth’s sweetest nectar from the flowers, it turns it into honey, then hastens to its hive. In the same way, the priest, having taken from the altar the Son of God (who is as the dew from heaven, and true son of Mary, flower of our humanity), gives him to you as delicious food

  • St John Chrysostom: “It is not the man who is responsible for the offerings as they become Christ’s Body and Blood; it is Christ Himself who was crucified for us. The standing figure belongs to the priest who speaks these words. The power and the grace belong to God. ‘This is My Body,’ he says. And these words transform the offerings.”

    St Cyril of Jerusalem: “Since Christ Himself has said, ‘This is My Body,’ who shall dare to doubt that it is His Body?”

  • Little Flower on her First Communion: " That day our meeting was more than simple recognition, it was perfect union..We were no longer two.Therese had disappeared like a drop of water lost in the immensity of the ocean; Jesus alone remained.He was the master, the King."

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Holy Week at Mount St. Thomas,2023

 The celebration of the Holy Week here at Mt. St. Thomas was like a time spent in a Retreat Centre as the whole week was spent in prayers and in the celebration of various liturgical ceremonies. Arrangements were made for the participation of more people at the various ceremonies. The Holy Week started with the Palm  Sunday celebration on Sunday,  April 2. I was a concelebrant along with Fr.Thomas Melvettam, the Cardinal being the main celbrant. The pictures of the procession and the mass came in the papers and also on different channels.This well-coordinated conduct of the ceremonies was a harbinger of the later ceremonies that were well-organized at Mt.St.Thomas.I was also asked to be a concelebrant for the Holy Saturday ceremonies and the mass.All the priests participated in the Yama Prarthankal--Liturgy of the Hours.

The Good Friday Way of the Cross was also impressive and highly devotional as the procession went up to the Main Gate and returned to the Chapel. The Easter procession with the statue of the Risen Lord went up to the Cross and returned.When all the ceremonies of the Holy Week were over, it was as if we were moving from a world of high spiritual events to one of mundane matters. Thank God that everything went smoothly well.

The first picture  is the blessing of the water on Holy Saturday, the second , that of sharing the paschal bread and the third , that of the Palm Sunday procession.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Prof.George Sebastian


It was with a heavy heart that we bade farewell to Prof. George Sebastian yesterday at Chunkapara.I was requested to give the funeral eulogy at the funeral rites at home where Abp. Mar Joseph Perumthottam led the service. A few teachers and a lot of the  people from the parish were present at the funeral. Prof. George Sebastian's enthusiastic voice still rings in my ears. I saw him while he was at the ICU at Lisie Hospital. When I prayed over him and spoke to him , tears were rolling down from his eyes. He used to keep me updated about his visits to  different doctors and I thought he would overcome his illness and resume his  active life. But  God's will was different and it was time for him to go. His voice was always full of  laughter and enthusiasm. He was always particular to visit the sick teachers and was present at he funerals of retired teachers. He was very helpful to the Principals at the college and so was he to me while I was the Principal. Always present at the college for occasions when his service was requested for, For the maintenance of discipline, for the organization of various committees at the different exhibitions at the college, for the management of the new store and for every small and big events , he was available and offered his help without any reservation. He even lent financial help to the college when I was in need of funds for the college at the time of retirement. He was also very actively involved in the development of the parish. I feel sorry for his absence from our midst but feel consoled that he is with the Lord after this hectic life here. God bless him and his family.

His wife, Mariamma, children: Soji, Aby and Jogy.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Archbshop Mar Joseph Powathil


It was with great sadness that I received the news of the demise of Mar Joseph Powathil. I know that he was sick and that he was losing his memory. A few months ago, I visited with him and he asked me where I was working. That  meant that he was losing his memory as he used to call me whenever a new development with regard to the legal cases concerning the Church came up in the news. I did not want to bother him through visits and calls after that question because I knew he was losing his memory.

I am deeply aware of my indebtedness to him. He was the one who appointed me the Principal of the college, in spite of the tremendous pressure he  had from some other quarters to do otherwise. It was that appointment that changed the career graph of my life, giving me the prominence and authority to become deeply involved in the academic affairs of the college. He was also the one who appointed me the Secretary of the KCBC Education Commission during my time at the college as the Vice- Principal and the Principal. It was  while working there that we were able to create the Inter-Church  Council for Education whose first Secretary I became. Through the Inter-Church Council , it became possible to establish  a good relationship with the Heads of other Churches. When he appointed me the Secretary of the KCBC Commission for Education he expressed his desire that I should become as prominent as Fr.Vallamttom during the time he  was the Secretary of  the Corporate Management Association .I was glad that  with the Archbishop as the Chairman, I was able to immerse myself deeply in the educational matters of the Kerala Catholic Church. I became aware of the nuances of the Articles on Minority Rights in the Constitution and  was  adamant in enforcing the total amplitude of those Articles while dealing with the Govt. Several big meetings were held on behalf of the Inter-Church  Council , with the Archbishop as the Chairman.

Everyday during the eleven  years of my term as the Vice-Principal and the Principal , he used to call me to make me aware of  what was happening in the field of education and urged me to respond to  them. He was a great reader and asked me while I was in the States to get new books and journals published there. I met for the Inter-Church Council Mr.K.M.Mathew of the Malayala Manorama about the matter of publishing the  articles of Abp.Powathil in the Manorama. He readily agreed and asked me to contact Mr.Thomas Jacob. From that time onwards, the articles of Abp. Mar Powathil were published in the Manorama.I did draft the articles and he would approve of them with needed changes. When I sent books with my articles to him, he would send replies with his appreciation the next day. When I sent him the copies of my articles in the Stanford University Review and the IFCU publication on Asian Higher Education, his response and appreciation were prompt.

It was while he was the chairman of the Inter-Church Council, that I held the Executive Council meeting of the IFCU at S.B. College. His support and encouragement were behind the success of the meeting. 

We went together to Israel for a conference on Christian Religious Unity. Cardinal Padiyara and Cardinal Pimenta of Bombay were at the meeting. We visited the holy sites in Jerusalem in the company of Mar Padiyara.

He was the chief Guest at the  function of the Kachiramattom Educational Award and gave me the award.

He was the one who saw all  my activities at the college and all my work for the Church. He was the one who asked me to take up the post of the Vicar General of Chicago when he came to visit me at St. Patrick's Church, Washington D.C. He was waiting for my call in Rome when he went there immediately after spending a couple of days with me in D.C. to know whether the Bp. of Chicago called me and whether I accepted the offer.

I really miss him as he was the one who knew all my work at Changanacherry. When I joined he college first for my studies for MA and later as the lecturer  at S.B, he was teaching there. I joined the Dept. of English in 1970 and Fr. Powathil was made the bishop in 1972. All the priests from the college went to the Cathedral when the announcement was made.

Yesterday, I joined with others in Changanacherry to bid our final farewell to Abp.Powathil. His knowledge, his simplicity, and reading habits were very praiseworthy.

He was very generous in his dealings with me. He approved all my plans for the development of the college. When I was in need of money for the construction of the Research Centre, he gave the college one lakh of rupees for its completion. Hence I decided to name the Conference hall  of the Research Centre Mar Powathil  Sacerdotal Jubilee Memorial.

     His smile, gentleness and affection are unforgettable. May God bless him.

                             Archbishop Mar Joseph Powathil

                                          Obituary Note


It is with a heavy heart that we received the news of the sudden passing away of Mar Joseph Powthil, the leading light of the Church and a forceful articulator of the values of the Gospel. Mar Powathil evokes all that is best and noblest in our lives.  With his passing away, there comes the end of an epoch of moral integrity and deep fidelity.

With a welcoming smile and gentle demeanor he greets everyone respectfully and cordially. Even though there is no exuberance in his approach and behavior, people have been impressed with his simplicity, gentleness and warmth. Even those who come to meet him with apprehensions and misconceptions leave with great appreciation of his personality and understanding.

An array of thoughts and emotions passes through one’s mind at his passing away.

It is no exaggeration to say that he was a towering religious personality in the last decade of the 20th century on account of his scholarship, wide awareness of the contemporary values of the society and the indefatigable determination with which he approached the events of the day in the light of the values of the Gospel. Steeped deeply in his understanding of the secular vision of the Constitution of India which lays emphasis on the support to be given to the minority communities in order to give them equal standing with the majority, he became an ardent advocate for the preservation of the integrity of constitutional protections that were given to the minorities in the Constitution of India. With a greater understanding of the discussions that took place in the Constituent Assembly, he was aware of the mind of the Assembly in giving unchallengeable amplitude to the articles of the Constitution to safeguard the interests of the minorities. In education as well as in the field of human rights especially of the minorities and of the weaker sections of the society, he was a beacon of strength and inspiration.

The leadership he gave to the Church and to the society of Kerala was superb when he was elected the President of the Kerala Catholic Bishops’ Council, the CBCI and the Inter-Church council for Education. When the attacks on the Constitutional integrity of the Minority Rights became rampant, he felt that it was good for the Church to act in unison and hence he took the initiative of founding the Inter-Church Council for Education with the support and encouragement of the heads of other Churches in Kerala. He has intervened boldly and confidently before the Central and State Governments for the defense of the minority rights and the rights of Dalit Christians.

His relationship with other Christian Churches was one of deep respect and sensitivity and has collaborated with them to found the Nilackal Ecumenical Movement.

His interrelationship with the other communities and their leaders was one of extreme cordiality and respect. He was keeping in close contact with the leaders of the NSS, the SNDP and with local Muslim leaders. He was an ardent advocate of fellowship and harmony in his dealing with other religious communities and the leaders of these communities found in him a solid supporter and a sincere guide.

He was a man of principles and stood for them with deep convictions. The strong positions he has taken regarding the recognition of the individual Churches and their equal rights for evangelization and pastoral service are memorable and worthy of great admiration.

The decisive role he has taken for the protection of the Syro-Malabar Liturgy and other valuable traditions of the Church can never be forgotten. Similarly the leadership he gave to the struggle to preserve the educational rights of the Private Managements and to get them recognized by the Government of the State of Kerala is stupendous.

He was a leader par excellence, having had the gift of feeling the pain of the aggrieved and bringing it to the fore for the attention of the leaders of the State and of the Central Governments. With his wide reading and openness to the contemporary trends and ideologies, he was able to present his ideas cogently and coherently. His passing away creates a void in the Church of Kerala as well the Society with the absence of a voice, unwavering and eloquent ,to plead for great moral and religious values. In his life and public pronouncements, he lived out what Abraham Lincoln has said in his famous Gettysburg speech: “Charity for all, malice towards none.”

He has departed for his heavenly reward in the company of saints and angels to live forever in the abode of Eternal Love. The Lord who has guided his life through thick and thin is waiting with His hands outstretched to receive this great servant who was eloquent in his silence, eminent in his humility and noble in his simplicity.

May Mar Joseph Powathil guide and lead the Church in the years to come through the magnificent example of faithfulness and integrity he has given through his life.


Cardinal George Alencherry

The Major Archbishop of

The Syro-Malabar Church.