Saturday, December 10, 2016

Release of the Book New Perspectives by Rev. Dr.George Madathiparampil

Mar Jose Puthenveettil releases the book New Perspectives by giving a copy of it to Fr Jose Puthenpura at the meeting of the leaders and representatives of Catholic Student organizations at Mt St Thomas on Dec. 3, 16.
This is a collection of articles and editorial notes written on  Catholic education, the Contribution the Kerala Catholic Church  in education , Lay-involvement etc.

College Student Leaders' Meeting

On Dec.3rd, the leaders and representatives of Catholic Youth Movements at Syro-Malabar colleges gathered at Mt.St.Thomas.Bp.Mar Jose Puthenveettil inaugurated the meeting.
More than 176 students were present at the meeting.
My book"New Perspectives" was also released
at the meeting.

Laus et Jubilatio:Praise and Joy

On Dec.18, I will be celebrating a mass at St.Michael's Church , Thathampally, marking the beginning of the 50th anniversary of my priesthood.
When I look back, I am surprised at the fact that God has given me such a long period in life to celebrate His life. I am deeply thankful to the Lord for giving me this opportunity.It was for this that I was called and I am glad that  I could continue in that path.
Of course, my priestly life was not in the traditional mold, serving the people in parishes. I spent all my time in academic activities.But there also, I had the same goal, that of preaching the message of Jesus through my life and my academic pursuits.
So I feel in my heart as I reach this milestone in my life feelings of praise and joy that we sing about in the famous song for Eucharistic Benedictions
: Tantum Ergo.

Friday, July 15, 2016

French Tourists,Dec.5,16

A group of tourists from a parish in Paris came with their Pastors and stayed here at mt.St.Thomas.This morning they were present at the mass celebrated by the Cardinal.They left after breakfast.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Cardinal Timothy Dolan at Mount St.Thomas

Cardinal Timothy Dolan was given a reception at Mount St.Thomas on July 13. I was asked to welcome him.The Cardinal felt very happy in our midst.The Major Archbishop Card Mar George Alencherry also introduced him to the the inmates of the house. Before coming here, he was welcomed at the Archbishop's house,Ekm.There was a meeting with the media there. He went from there to visit Vallarpadom Basilica and St.George's Church,Edappally and then later in the evening , went to meet the students at the Mangalpuzha seminary. I was also at the airport to receive him on July 12th evening along with Fr.Jose Chiramel.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Opening the Door of Mercy at the Chapel,Mt.St.Thomas

The Cardinal opened the Door of Mercy at the Chapel Mt.St.Thomas on Dec.10,15. Bp.Mar Thomas Elavanal and myself were the con -
celebrants with the Cardinal.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Recollections and Reflections

My new book "Recollections and Reflections" was published on Nov.28 by Cardinal Mar George Alancherry at the Catholic Students' Convention held at Mount St.Thomas.The first copy was given by the Cardinal to Mar Andrews Thazhath, the Archbishop of Trichur.
The book deals with my years at S.B.College and the  years of stay in Washington D.C. as well as in Chicago.