Saturday, December 31, 2022

Pope Benedict XVl

It was with great sadness that I received the news of the demise of Pope Benedict XVl on Dec.31st while I was  attending the burial of Prof.K.K.Mathew at the Cathedral Cemetery at Chy. It was at a funeral earlier, eight years ago ,that we received the news of his resignation. Deepika issued a souvenir on that occasion where my article on the Pope was also included. Pope Benedict was a great theologian and his  explanations of the doctrines of the Church and the dogmas of the Faith are  very clear. He was really an intellectual with immense depth of knowledge. He is undoubtedly one of the great theologians of our time. The interviews he has  given to Peter Seewald were really  reappraisals of the doctrines of the faith as  applied to concrete situations.

The following are a few quotes from his book, Eschatology, on the Last Judgment.:

"The truth which has emerged as the fundamental orientation of man's existence in all the pathways of his life(is the judgment on on his life.).

Judgment is the truth of a man which has emerged as the fundamental orientation of his existence.

In terms of the sum total of decisions from out of which an entire life is constructed, the final direction  may be , in the end, a fumbling after readiness for God, valid no matter what wrong turnings  have been taken by and by.

God knows the shadows of our freedom better than we do ourselves." 




          (Vachaparampil(Mangalapally)Koothappally –88 yrs old)

·        A teacher who was a gentleman to the core. Well-mannered and well dressed,

·        Respectful, considerate and gentlemanly in his dealings with his colleagues and students.

·        Soft spoken and courteous.

·        Never speaks a word out of place and never speaks ill of others.

·        Brief and pithy were his comments

·        Companionable and this was evident in his close and abiding friendship with Prof.K.T.Sebastian.

·        Those who met him were amazed at his affability and respectfulness.

·        A lover of the Church and was devoted to the Church.

·        A great father to his children, a loving husband and a caring and affectionate brother to his brothers and sisters.

·        Carried the great tradition of family values, of faith and of scholarship handed over to him by his forefathers especially by his father, Prof. M.T.Kurian , the Head of the Dept. of Mathematics at

·        One of the last of the great teachers belonging to the old guard. With his passing, S.B. has lost a devoted son and a strong admirer.

·        “A teacher affects eternity”(Henry Adams). His legacy will continue on influencing the generations of students who passed through the portals of this college.

·        (Wife: Lisamma Mathew, Chidren: Mini Mathew and Anu Louis)

It was with great sadness that I went to attend the funeral. The feeling was very strong in me about his absence from my life knowing that I will never see him and that his voice won't be heard any more. We used to meet every year during my return from the US in the company of Profs KTS, PJD,KVS, PCJ, KAG,AJF. His presence made the gathering always very pleasant and memorable. He was a man of  few words but was always present on important occasion at the college. He used to come in the company of Prof.K.T.S. Now we have lost those two great professors from our life. He always received us with great affection and warmth. The funeral took place on Dec.31,2022.I gave a short homily at the funeral. May God grant him eternal rest.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Prof.Scaria Zacharia

 It was with a great shock that I received the news of the demise of Prof. Scaria Zacharia. I met him a few months ago at his  house and I knew that he was getting weaker. But we did manage to spend some time together and he gave me copies of his recent books and signed it addressing me. I spoke at a reception a few weeks ago honoring him at SB college and I spoke of his great contributions to the college , calling him as  one of the precious jewels on the crown of SB. I remember and cherish my conversations with him during the time he was teaching at the college. He was a live presence on the college campus and we missed him very much when he left the college for Kalady University. I remember him showing his appointment written  on a casual piece of paper by the new and acting VC of the University and broaching the news of his departure . He once asked me why I did not object to his leaving. I did not say anything at that time because I thought then that for him a University appointment would be very  beneficial to him personally. But still it was a great loss for the college. His leadership, inspiring words and marvelous eloquence are unforgettable. We have  had very close associations when we were were planning the different Exhibitions and Arts Festivals at the college. We also had several  occasions to go together  to meet some people in order to smooth out problems. I cannot forget his beautiful and eloquent introductory commentary that echoed through the corridors and the campus of the college before the arrival of President Zail Singh. He took the leadership of arranging the various literary conferences in connection with the two jubilee celebrations that were held during the times of Fr.Maroor and myself. His fast ascent to literary eminence that happened on account of his work on Gundert is unparalleled. He brought very eminent scholars, Indian and foreign to the college campus. When we published one of the first stories of O.V Vijayan in the college magazine, I asked Prof. Scaria to write an introduction to it, explaining its background. I am very proud of his  varied contributions and feel saddened at his early sickness and demise. God bless him and keep him in His eternal presence.

My trip to the U.S, on Oct.2-Nov.2nd

 It was with some anxiety that I left for the States on Oct.2 because of the Covid and also because of my health. But everything went smoothly as  I could use the wheel chair assistance. Hence I didn't  have to stand in long ques. Also the use of the lounges in Kochi, Delhi was also helpful in lessening the burden of the travel. Jogy came to the Newark airport to pick me up when I reached the airport in the morning. The stay was comfortable, although the weather was turning cool. Since I carried a blazer with me, it turned out to be OK. The primary purpose of the visit  was to go to Florida to bless the new homes bought by Jogy and Sajan. We decided to go to New Hampshire  to see the color change of the foliage. It was beautiful being  there  before they they all turned dry. We could capture the beauty of the color change at Nashua. We stayed at a hotel there and walked around the place the next day , seeing the places where the color change was prominent. 

The Florida stay was very enjoyable as the weather was perfect. We could go to  the nearby church early in the morning and have breakfast outside. After staying there  for around three days , I left for Washington DC. My travels by domestic flights went without any hassle as I used the wheel chair assistance. Stayed at Ittyrachan's house. He  took a few days off so that we could spend time together. We went for sky line drive the day after my drive. the next day , went to the Shrine and participated in the noon mass there. the time spent in the crypt church and the penitence room was very spiritually uplifting. Had a few pictures taken outside the Shrine beside  the CU's Stone marker.From DC went back to NJ for a few days more and left from JFK airport to Delhi. 

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Birth day,Synod Sessions,2022


Tomorrow is my birth day as I will be completing 82 years of my life. I do marvel at myself that I am alive at this age of my life. I have viewed with awe people who have passed their 80s and I am now at this stage. I have to thank the Lord for this gift of life. I will have to spend my time , praising the Lord and thanking Him continuously. I have to recover the former way of my intellectual pursuits and do more readings and writings. I don't have to feel abashed at what I have not got in life. I have to be happy about what I have got: my faith in the Lord, my life, health and the education I received and the experience of teaching many  people in the blossoming phase of their lives. Lord, thank you for this gift.

I have to pass on this joy of life(joie de vivere) to others so that they may too thank the Lord and praise him. In today's Bible reading, I came across the words of advice given to Joshua in 1 Joshua to be bold and courageous. I have to be bold and courageous for Jesus Christ. Nothing should make me ashamed. I should use all my gifts for the Lord. Lord, how great you are. Ps.148: "Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise him the heights; Praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is exalted."

The Synod is going on but the pain of the separation among different groups is still felt. I hope wiser counsels will prevail and people will gather together to praise the Lord. Through our wanton actions, the name of the Lord should not be tarnished.

I have received the duplicate of my pension book yesterday from the Treasury. Biju, my driver, went to Chy and got it from the Treasury. This is needed for the revision of the pension according to One Rank-One Pension. Thank you, Lord, for this great act of kindness. I offer my prayers for all those who worked behind the process to get it for me as it is difficult to get a document like this from the Govt in time.

Fr.Jose Viruppel

 It was with great sadness  that I received the news of the passing away of Fr. Jose Viruppel, the former Librarian of S.B. College. It was rumoured that he was getting weaker and he was admitted to the hospital during the days before his demise. He went through a lot of suffering through his dialysis and the bypass surgery. Through all these he passed with great calmness. I had a chance to visit him when he was moved to the room after his by pass surgery at the Lissy hospital. He was a gentle, cordial, affable and highly courteous priest. Whenever I visited him at the Lourdes Church, Tvm or at the college before his retirement, he showed me great respect and was extremely hospitable. He was a passionate lover of the library just like his predecessor, Fr.Mattappaly. He was instrumental in starting PG and UG courses in Library Science at S. B. College. In his death, we lost a very affable and kind priest. The sweet smile that flashes on his face when I meet him is unforgettable. He came to Chicago while I was there  and during the homily, he mentioned that I had appointed him at the college. He passed away on July 19th.

God bless him and give him eternal rest. I went to view him while his body was brought to the administrative block of S. B. College.

Friday, April 22, 2022


                                                       Mother Espirit

I was very saddened to hear about the demise of Sr.Espirit. She was one of my teachers at  the  Middle School and she was also my "Tuition-Teacher." One day my father told me that he had arranged a special tuition for me  with Sr. Espirit. So I had to go to the convent a few times a week for special coaching. I had two other students with me for the sessions. One of  her remarks remained with me all throughout  my life. She wanted me to bow and make a short prayer before the statue of  Bl.Virgin Mary in front of  the grotto every time I pass it. I had to pass by  the grotto to go to the convent. I continued this practice even after my ordination. After her teaching stint  at  St.Michael's school, Thathampally ,Allepepey , she went to the  United States for higher studies and returned with an M.A. in English Literature. She then began teaching at  the Assumption college and later at, Athirampuzha, retiring as the Principal of the college. One of her lasting contributions to the Church in Kerala was her arduous work  in creating a union of all the provinces of the Adoration Congregation.She was elected  the Superior General of the Congregation in order to accomplish this stupendous task. Through her efforts, the Congregation attained a Pontifical status.

It is her gentleness, care, suavity, non-intrusiveness , all- pervading smile and profound understanding of the character of others, respect for her colleagues,  compassion and care which  made a lasting  impact on the lives of the people who came into contact with her. Her affability and caring  remain always  in my mind. Until her demise, I could say that  I have one of my  middle school teachers alive in the society. With her passing away we lost the  shine and luminosity of our lives. May her soul rest in peace.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Fr.Isaac Alencherry

 It is with great sadness that I received the news of the demise of Fr. Isaac Alencherry.He was our Syriac teacher while were studying  in the Minor Seminary and later a   colleague at S.B.College. He was a gentle and kind priest, always receiving everyone with a smile.Never getting angry or upset. Had great faith in the Lord and took his priestly life very seriously. He found joy in being a follower of the Charismatic movement. Participation in Charismatic prayer groups  changed his life dramatically. He became very joyful and peace-filled and a counselor to many who were troubled and upset by various events in life.In the last years of his life,I did not get time to visit him especially because he was confined to a wheel chair and unable to speak.

On his social side, he was very companionable and found joy in prayers and singing. He wrote a few books on spiritual topics. For a few years after his retirement from the college, he worked as a spiritual father at the Mangalapuzha seminary.

God bless this wonderful person.