Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Meaning of the Washing of the Feet

In the book, Jesus of Nazareth ,Part Two by the Pope Benedict XVI, we find very fresh insights into some of the important actions of our Lord.
The Holy Father gives  a fresh interpretation of the Washing of the Feet in the following words:
"The Washing of the Feet is not an individual sacrament, but it signifies the whole of Jesus's saving ministry: the sacramentum of his love into which he immerses us in faith, his love , which is our true bath of purification."
"The complete bath that was taken for granted can only mean Baptism, by which man is immersed into Christ once and for all.This fundamental  event, by which we become Christians not through our own doing but through the action of the Lord in his Church, cannot be repeted.Yet in the life of Christians-- for table fellowship with the Lord-- it constantly requires completion: "washing of feet."
The Holy Father now equates the washing of the feet with the Confession of sins:
 "The point is this:guilt must not be allowed to fester in the sielnce of the soul, poisoning it from within.It needs to be confessed.Through confession, we brng it into the light, we place it within Christ's purifying love.In confession, the Lord washes our soiled feet over and over again and prepares us for table fellowship with him."
He adds: " In this humble gesture, the Lord stands before us as the servant of God....St.John's whole passion narrative is built on this connection between humble service and glory.It is in his downward path that his glory is seen."
"The hour of the Cross is the hour of the Father's true glory, the hour of Jesus' true glory."

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