Saturday, December 10, 2016

Laus et Jubilatio:Praise and Joy

On Dec.18, I will be celebrating a mass at St.Michael's Church , Thathampally, marking the beginning of the 50th anniversary of my priesthood.
When I look back, I am surprised at the fact that God has given me such a long period in life to celebrate His life. I am deeply thankful to the Lord for giving me this opportunity.It was for this that I was called and I am glad that  I could continue in that path.
Of course, my priestly life was not in the traditional mold, serving the people in parishes. I spent all my time in academic activities.But there also, I had the same goal, that of preaching the message of Jesus through my life and my academic pursuits.
So I feel in my heart as I reach this milestone in my life feelings of praise and joy that we sing about in the famous song for Eucharistic Benedictions
: Tantum Ergo.

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