Sunday, August 5, 2018


Sr.Regina's funeral was held on Aug.1 at 11 a.m. She passed away at midnight  two days ago. A lot of people were present for the funeral as she was loved very much by the people of Changnacherry.She was in charge of the nursery school of St.Joseph's where a lot of the people who belong to the Metropolitan church had their early education.
She is also very much missed by her family as she was the connecting link for th members of the family.She took care of the needs of her parents when they fell sick and found means for helping them during their days of sickness as well as of convalescence.
In the last couple of years, she suffered much and did expereince several falls and surgery and the last one was very severe as she had to be bed-ridden for half a year because of th injury of her back.
She was a constant presence in my life , always coming to meet me or talk to me.She kept me filled with the news about my relatives from the mother's side of the family.
I miss her. She was younger and healthy before she succumbed to illness.God bless her and give her eternal rest. 

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