Wednesday, February 20, 2019


Prof.K.T.Sebastian passed away on Feb.19  at 10.30 p.m. at the Pushpagiri Hospital
I lost a great friend, mentor and supporter in the demise of Prof.K.T.Sebastian. An irreparable loss. He was the quintessence of everything that was good in a human being.Loving, inspiring and compassionate, he was loved by his students and by myself deeply.
I went to the hospital two days before the surgery. He was half awake and  was funny and humorous, referring to his broken hip,comparing himself to the experience of Abp.Powathil when he broke his hip.
 I never had an idea that I would lose him after a few days.He used to call me when he was healthy often about my work and  the situation of the Church. I made it a point to visit him during my visits to Changanacherry. 
He was very passionate about the good of the Church. He had always his positive suggestions whenever there were lapses on the part of the authorities. He was no rabid follower of any doctrinaire author or authority in the Church. Sacrificing his time ,money and health , he traveled far and near to take part in conferences and give talks. He never expected anything from the authorities of the Church for his ministry.He had his definite ideas and he would present them without any fear.He was a gifted speaker and  writer and he used his talents for the Church.
All are over now.
God , grant eternal rest to your beloved son.

                      Prof. K.T. Sebastian

·       A great loss for the Church in India and in Kerala.

·       A voice of sanity and freshness, a champion of honesty and integrity and an ardent lover of the Church.
·       Gentle and caring, always working for  the good of the people he came across.
·       A very inspiring Catholic educationist
·       Absorbing the best from everywhere—Universal in outlook
·       The Catholic community’s best spokesperson
·       Attachment to the Eucharist—Jesus at the center of his life
·       Going everywhere to speak about the faith and the Church.
·       Vatican 11 and its reforms were in his thoughts always.
·       Even a couple of years ago , he wrote a book on Catholic education in the Archdiocese of Changanacherry
·       A guide and a mentor to many.
·       Through KCSL, he  molded many Catholic leaders.
·       As a teacher , he was  well loved by the students.
·       As a colleague – he was friendly  and  inspiring.
·       A lay theologian –writing a book about the Theology of the Laity.---one of the very few laypersons who wrote on lay theology in the Catholic world
·       Constructive criticism—not negative or destructive.
·       An unforgettable and a good friend to many-- including many bishops in India.
·       Can anyone forget his welcoming and smiling face?
·       Attending many seminars, presenting papers, teaching in seminaries—what a source of faith and love!
·       His kneeling down in the college chapel before proceeding to the Department is a great sign of his ardent faith and profound humility.
·       He spent  an enormous time for the Church in spite of his busy time as a loving Father to his family and as an inspiring teacher.
·       “A Teacher affects eternity”—this is very true of Prof. K.T. Sebastian. He was a professor in words and life.


Unknown said...

Sir, please give full name of KT Sebastian .

Unknown said...

Dear achan,

This is great blog achan. I just found it while searching for the book of KT sebastian.

(K T Sebastian (1999) The Era of the Lay People ). Wonder if it is available to read.

your student.