Sunday, June 21, 2020


My cataract surgery was on June 15th and by the grace of God everything went smoothly. I was out of the hospital within an hour. But then I had a five days of rest where every two hours the drops of medicine had to be put into my eyes. I have to report to the doctor on June 29th.I have to thank the Lord for His blessing during this time when especially everything was under tight control because of the pandemic. I have to spend my days in prayer and thanksgiving. What more is there to be received from the overwhelming generosity of God! I have to be happy and satisfied; for his generosity knows no bounds.

I am now reading a book called the Book of Mistakes. It is narrating seven mistakes that people make in their lives through a novel- type of story. I will start with Mistake No.3 which is accepting excuses. Here is the summary of that chapter:

Mistake: 3

Avoid people who encourage excuses. When we learn to overcome  excuses that are preventing our progress, we begin an almost magical process of growth. Behind every excuse , there is a door to greatness. People not going anywhere encourage excuses. Shift the energy and creativity from creating excuses to achieving goals. Guard your inner voice like you would your most precious treasure. Excuses cannot withstand positive self-talk. If you want to take your life back , take your thoughts back.

Mistake No 2

Allowing someone to define your value.
Let nothing come between you and your purpose
Don't accept the limitations others put on you.
Know your inherent value. Enormous power is possible when you give permission to be true to yourself.

Mistake No.1:

Working on Someone Else's Dream
Don't act out a part cast by someone else. You are the casting agent of your life's purpose. A life choreographed by someone else is not our finest performance. Your purpose is unique. Design your life to fulfill your purpose. Don't be an unwitting participant in someone else's plan.
Be the hero of your story ,not a minor character in someone else's. Determine who you want to be, not what you want to do.

Mistake No .4
Surrounding yourself with the wrong people

Your friends  determine your fate
Replace naysayers, doubters, and energy drainers with encouragers, winners, and motivators.
Remove people from your life who consistently drain your energy. Surround yourself with the people who will help you to achieve your purpose.

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