Saturday, June 22, 2019

Fr.Jose Chiramel

It was a real shock for me when I received the news about the sad demise of Josachan. I knew that the disease was serious and something bad would happen. But I thought he would recover and resume some of the activities in a light way. But it is so sad that he had to depart very fast. I cannot get over the loss. He was a very talented priest. He wanted everything to be done properly and in a dignified manner. He is a model for others to follow. God bless him.
We often had very frank and open discussions. He could follow what  I was sharing with him. Although he was much junior in age, he has a mature understanding of the Church and could make a good critical appraisal of the policies of the authorities without in anyway sowing seeds of dispute. He was very inspirational. It was his example that has prompted me to prepare homilies whenever I was invited for a function. One should always be ready to give a homily when one is requested on the spur of the moment by the host. He was a good reader and prepared homilies carefully. He was brief and precise which is rarely shown by many of the Malayalee priests who are in the habit of giving long sermons.

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