Saturday, June 22, 2019

Fr.Joseph Thurtuthumaly

The demise of Fr.Thuruthumaly was another sudden shock. I was keeping in touch with him almost every other week. We would share a lot of ideas about the Church. He was the one I hoped that I could share my views, feelings, and ideas. It is an unbelievable separation.I have to accept that it is a way of life. One day, without warning, we have to depart from this world. What we hold as permanent has no permanency. We have to prepare ourselves for that event in our life. Death is our constant companion. We have to  keep closely in touch with the Lord. The Lord alone can give peace in our lives.
Just a few days before leaving for the US , there was the celebration of the 41st day -memorial of his passing away at the Arpookara church .I was present for the mass and  was asked whether I could give a short homily at the mass.I consented readily to give the homily as it would be a great chance for me to pay homage to his memory and also to offer my admiration and appreciation of his life. It was an occasion for me to express my love and regard for him.
His absence  left a big void in my heart and I have no one  else to share those feelings.May God give him eternal rest.He led a worthy and dignified life.

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