Thursday, February 1, 2024

Thank you-45

 Thank You ,45


June 22,Thursday

I begin a new chapter after my return trip from the US.

June 23,Friday

I came to the Mount around 6p.m. Attended the Ramsa and met the fathers at supper. Came to know from Fathers that the Cardinal had developed a fever and was admitted to the hospital. I was also told that Bishop Vaniapurakal has got a new job as the one in charge of the Procura. Everything was calm and quiet here but the TV began to carry the news of the letter of Abp.Andrews to Fr. Narikulam telling him about serious consequences if he did not follow the directions of the Synod. The TV tonight mentioned a letter to the Synod accusing the rebels of being in cohorts with some terrorist groups like SDP etc. Again, the pot is boiling and murkier things are happening.


Lord, help me to spend my time with you. I have nothing else to do except to spend my time in prayer.

June 29, The Feast of Peter and Paul, Thursday

Yesterday, went to Thathampally in connection with the planning for the Feast of the church at the request of Ouseppachan. Then, went for lunch at Lizikutty's house. She does not prepare meals anymore. It  is prepared by the aid. On the way back , visited Mathaichan. Went also to the Ekm house and got a copy of the insurance. Now, the tiredness of the trip is disappearing and I can use the time for reading. Nothing else is being done. Just use the time to thank the Lord for blessing me in making the trip.

I don’t know where I placed the old small phone(Airtel). (It was found in my drawer at home.)

July 15, Saturday

Today going to Mathaichan’s house for lunch. Leelamma and Johnachan will join me.

The sad event that has happened this month is the passing away of Vakachan on July 7th. The funeral was held on Sunday, July 9th. The day before on July 8th was the wedding of Sunil, the son of Jessy at the Elamkulam Church. A lot of American youngsters were present at the wedding.

It was sad that Vakachan departed from us very suddenly. Went to his house a few times. Around six priests came from the Mt for the funeral. Fr.Kavilpurayidathil gave a very nice homily which was appreciated by the children. Yesterday was the 7th day of the demise and I said mass at the Karanakodam church.

Johnachan and Leelamma called just now to say that they reached here last night.

Yesterday I had breathing problems and sneezing but they subsided by the time I got ready for the 10 am mass.

The small I phone was in my drawer at Ekm. So that problem was solved. Thank you, Lord.Thank you, St.Antony.

Yesterday, wrote a short message on the successful launching of the Chandrayaan at the advice of the Cardinal, based on the ideas given by him. The newspapers carried the news the day after.

July 16,Sunday

I said the mass in the common chapel for Fr.Thuruthipally and he would take my mass on the 28th as he felt not well today. The ladies from the Moosariparampil family with Felix and his family were present for the mass. Later Felix came to pick me up and I went to his villa to bless the house and spend sometime with them.

Yesterday , went to Mathaichan’s house for lunch with Johnachan and Leelamma who returned the night before. Now, they are here and I have someone to talk with.

On Friday, went to the Karanakodam church to say the 7th day mass for Vakachan and then went to their house for prayers and lunch. My cold and sneezing that were bothering me ceased that morning and hence I could say the mass. I just told the choir that my singing would be minimal and they followed my directions. Hence, the mass did not take much time. The last few days were hectic with the passing away of Vakachan.

Lord,  thank you for your love and mercy. I know I have wandered far from you. . Lord, have mercy on me.

July 21, Friday

The last three days were days of mourning for Kerala with the demise of Sri Ooommen Chandy. It is as if the whole of Kerala turned out for his funeral. His body was taken from Trivandrum to Puthuppally and the body was accompanied by large crowds of people along the way and at different junctions. People were moving with the bus carrying the body in large numbers, sobbing and crying. Watching the TV had a cathartic effect. People who watched were also crying seeing the reactions of the people. All have stories of kindness about him. His life was a true living out of a Christian way of life. Unbelievable that he could touch the lives of thousands of people all across the country.

Kochayan developed a breathing problem and was taken to the Astor Hospital. He was discharged yesterday evening. Today he is at Kochumon’s house and I went there for lunch. Kochayan and Gracykutty were there. Their maid was also there. He is OK now.


I have also a cough problem and gas trouble. I am using ginger and also try to inhale the puff.

Things are going OK by the grace of God. I have to find my source of joy and peace in the Lord.

I don’t have any more good friends with whom I can share my feelings and thoughts.

August 1, I phone.

Another important thing is that yesterday I paid the Income tax amounting to more than one lakh 43000.Johnachan paid and I have to transfer the amount to him today.

A couple of days ago, I took the Mac Air for a change of its battery costing Rs.8000.Now it is working well.

By the grace of God, I am OK.

On Saturday, I went to Thathampally to inaugurate the Golden Jubilee for Fr. Michael Peedikayil.

Aug.8,  Tuesday

Today  went to the Priests’ home to offer my regards to Fr. Vayalil who celebrated his 90th on Sunday.  I thought it was proper to show my respect to him.He was very much touched that I went all the way from Ekm to Chy just for him. I gave him a shawl and gave cakes to Kariachan. But he did not mention the matter of the cakes to the priests while at lunch. But he was very courteous and took the effort to serve me lunch. I had a chance to meet some of the priests while at lunch and could talk about the past in our life in their new drawing room.

The night before last , had a long sitting with the MABP and he shared some of the confabulations that were taking place in the higher-ups.We realize then how chimerical were these offices. I am happy that with my small roles to play, I can lead a quiet and happy life, spending my time in total devotion to Our Lord.

I have been suffering from a cough and my use of onion with jaggery is helping to feel some relief.

Thank you. Lord. Bless and protect me.

August 18, Friday

The Apostolic delegate issued an ultimatum to the Ekm clergy to start celebrating the Synodally prescribed form of the celebration of the mass from August 20. They have rejected it. It is going to create more commotion.

I was asked to hoist the flag on Independence Day as the Bishops were out. Gave a two-minute speech.

Will spend today reading the Bible.



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