Friday, February 2, 2024


 Thank you -46,



Today is the day the Apostolic Delegate has asked the priests of Ekm to offer the mass in the Synodal way. Most of them refused except a few. There was opposition from the laity at the Basilica when Fr. Antony started saying the mass. He also stopped saying the mass. In some other parishes too there was opposition. During these days of resistance, most of the people were wrongly guided and they have become a force.

The Church and the Eucharistic celebration have been mocked and vilified. A great shame has been brought on to the Church. The secular media and those who are against the Church are having a field day showing the division and dissension among the Catholics.

  If some flexibility and sensitivity were shown, things could have been much more smooth. People need time to undergo changes in their mindset. A new pastor with wisdom and pastoral sensitivity could work with these people. It may take years for the change to happen. What is the use of imposing the decision suddenly on the people who are unprepared for this?

The majority of the priests have taken it as a matter of pride and prestige to stick to their stand. We have to yield first and allow the time to repair the damage.

The apostolic delegate is not very aware of the feelings of the people and their ways of resistance. He thinks an order can change the situation.

Tomorrow is the beginning of the Synod.

The blessing of Varghese’s house will take place tomorrow.

Aug 21, Monday

Went to Chy for the blessings of the house of Varghese. It is a beautiful and compact house.  I went to the priests’ home and took Palakunnel achan with me.I did the blessing. Gave Varghese a cheque for Rs.5000. They had arranged a cake for my birthday celebration.

The trip went OK.  Returned and on the way stopped at Leelamma’s house for coffee.

Aug.22, Tuesday

My birthday celebration began with a bouquet given by the Cardinal in front of the Bishops gathered for their breakfast. Later saw Fr. Mundadan making shouts and loud verbal outbursts in the parlor. They were removed by the police. Then, went to Mathaichan’s house for lunch . The family was gathered there and said a rosary before the lunch.I gave the ladies the newly made silver rosaries. Joy Kurian,  Thommachan  etc called to give their greetings.

Thank you, Lord, for another birthday. I have to spend the year thanking the Lord. Lord, keep me in your love.


I had the blood test a few days ago. Hibac was very high—8. The doctor changed the medications. Now taking insulin 19 and a new pill was added to be taken along with the food in the morning.


Yesterday, went to Chy to attend the funeral of Prof.Jose Joseph. Said the office at his house. Prof.K.A. Goergekutty was also with me and after that went to A.V. Thomas’ house. He is bedridden. Had lunch at the college . The rincipal was there and he joined me for lunch.

The classes for junior priests are going on and will be over by tomorrow.

Last Saturday, went to the theatre to see the movie on the life of Sr.Rani Maria called The Face of the Faceless. It was well done and all of them were realistic in their presentation.

Went to Alleppey last week to say an office for the dead for Joy Mannooparampil, the husband of Gracykutty’s sister.

I am using an App called Essentials which takes BP. But it is not correct when checked with the Bp by the manual BP monitor.

It was deleted and canceled.


On 23 and 24, went to Thathamaplly for the Patronal Feast. The  Feast was on 24th and I was the main celebrant.On 23rd evening, I met the brothers and sisters of Ouseppachan.The celebration of the feast went very well.

Today, the newly elected MLA Chandy Oommen would be coming to the house to meet the Cardinal in the morning at 9.30 am. But he is getting late. He came just at 10 am and I met him.

Oct 10

We had a retreat from Oct 2-6. The retreat was good. I made some changes to  my schedule.Would spend some time after 10.30 pm for personal prayer. One of the main messages he said in passing was that one should not be worried about one’s past sins once it is confessed. We have to accept that we are forgiven.

Tomorow,Oct.11. Ammachi’s memorial mass. Will be going to Thathampally.

Sajan came a few days ago and I took him to the airport yesterday.


The Cardinal has gone for the Synod and hence things are quiet around here.


Went to Ammachi’s mass at Thathampally. Kochayan, Gracykutty Johnachan and Cheriankunju were there for the mass. Biriyani was ordered from the restaurant.

Today, there is not much to do. Will read the Bible and take notes.

Thank you, Lord, for this time. I am now cutting watching TV at night  and spending more time on personal prayer. Thank you Lord for the health given to me. I have to be thankful to you for ,every moment in my life.


Today is a day of prayer and fasting for peace in the world according to the appeal of the Pope. Today is the The world- Peace Day.

Yesterday,  went to Alleppey together with Fr. Adoppally and  Fr.Melvettom.Went to Ramada for lunch, and proceeded to Champakulam.

Two days before, on Monday and Tuesday, the priests went on a tour to Tamilnadu and I stayed here. 

Yesterday’s trip to Alleppey was very pleasant. Spent time with Subash,Sajan and Kunjappan.

I have been trying to rewrite my matter for the new book through chat GPT and they are coming out good.

Oct.28, Saturday.

Joined the 6.30 am mass and it was OK.


Yesterday,Joshy was here and took him to the houses of Mathichan,Kochayan and Leelamma. Had lunch at Leelamma’s house.

Was tired.

Cardinal’s sister passed away. The funeral is tomorrow. Will be going there in the evening to say an office for the dead.

So also, will be going to Koottummel’s house to pray for Jigy’s mother. Her funeral is tomorrow. Lord, thank you for giving me the blessing to visit and pray for them.

Nov.3, Friday

Yesterday, Nov.2, went to Vazhappally to say the prayers for Cardinal’s sister. Said a few words. Then went to Koottummel house, said prayers for the mother of Jijy.Spoke a few words mentioning that Jijy and Rekha are the pride of SBC. Also spoke about the service of Sri Koottummel.

Today at the Dining hall, the Cardinal thanked all the fathers for their presence and mentioned my name specially too. He gave me a good rosary from the Holy Father.

Today I gave the retreat talk to the sisters at the request of Fr.Kavil as he had to leave with the Cardinal for Gorakpur. But then the Cardinal changed plans because of the funeral.

Thank God for the time given to me to experience peace and joy.

Today, I placed the order for a new printer.Rs.13888. Through my Fincore card. I extended the limit from 10000 to 15000 by opening the website of Fincore as per the direction of Lijo.

Thank you,Lord, for giving me the direction. Why should I be concerned about the amount when I am spending on other things freely?

I have no words to thank the Lord for His blessings. The trip to Chy also went beautifully well because of the company of Frs Adopally and Melvettath. 

Today , went to Ekm for lunch.

Nov. 25. I went to Edappally church for the betrothal of the daughter of Francis’ brother. It was over within 15 minutes. The brother came to my room a few days ago and he presented me with a new iPhone. Francis brought me some cash gift at the Sacristy after the ceremony.I did not take meals at Edappally as it was not brought there then.Went to ekm and had  lunch there although Jogy and all had gone to Vallarpadom.

Returned to Kakkanad after 2pm.

Dec.5, Tuesday

Concelebration this morning at 6.30 am at the chapel. I will spend the whole day reading the Bible.

These past days, we had several celebrations.Jogy’s visit ,Celebration of Kochayan’s brithday at the hotel near Padma etc

On Dec.3,  I offered mass at Xime on St.Francis Xavier’s day.

Today is a free day.

Thank you, Lord for your blessings.










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